2. Ceremonial Items
A. Invocation by Pastor Rocky Whitely of the Cavitt Street Church of Christ
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting



2. Ceremonial Items
B. Pledges of Allegiance to U.S. and Texas Flags by GySgt Eligio Castilleja and Sgt. Jorge Ortiz
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting



4. Public Hearings and First and Only Readings of Ordinances - Open public hearing, hear citizen comments, close public hearing, staff presentation, and consider first and only reading of ordinance.
A. Owner-requested annexation case no. ANNEX23-07, public hearing, presentation and consideration of the first and only reading of an ordinance of the City of Bryan, Texas, annexing territory generally described as being 51.59 acres of land out of the James McMillian Survey, Abstract No. 176, located about 4,000 feet north of the intersection of Pleasant Hill and Fred Hall Roads, in Bryan’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) in Brazos County, Texas, lying adjacent and contiguous to the present corporate limits of the City of Bryan; finding that all necessary and required legal conditions have been satisfied; describing the territory annexed and providing a service plan therefore; obligating the property situated therein to bear its pro rata part of taxes levied; providing rights and privileges as well as duties and responsibilities of inhabitants and owners of said territory.
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Preferred Date
Feb 18, 2025
Absolute Date
Feb 18, 2025
Fiscal Impact
Dollar Amount
Budget Source
General Fund – Development Services budget
Economic Development
Public Safety
Quality of Life


On July 12, 2023, the City of Bryan received an application for annexation from Max Turner, of WBW Development, LLC, for an owner-requested annexation of 51.59 acres of land out of the James McMillian Survey, Abstract No. 176, located about 4,000 feet north of the intersection of Pleasant Hill and Fred Hall Roads. The applicant requests the subject property be assigned Planned Development – Housing District (PD-H) zoning upon annexation. 

While the subject 51.59 acres will be an addition to the ongoing development of the Pleasant Hill Subdivision, please note the zoning standards requested to be applied to the subject property are different than the standards of the of Planned Development – Mixed Use District (PD-M) of the other sections of Pleasant Hill. The applicant made modifications based on concerns recently expressed by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The proposed development plan will differ substantially in the following areas:



In accordance with Texas Local Government Code §43.0672, the City of Bryan entered into a municipal services agreement with the property owners, WBW Development, LLC on August 29, 2023. Staff anticipates no extraordinary new services, facilities, or expenses as a result of this annexation. Services to be provided immediately upon annexation include, but are not limited to, domestic water, sanitary sewer, police and fire protection, solid waste collection, and building services. Any new services will be constructed at the cost of the developer. A copy of this service agreement is attached to this Council Action Form.


Pursuant to Texas Health and Safety Code Section 775.022, upon annexation, the City of Bryan will have to reimburse Emergency Services District 4 (ESD) to remove this land from the ESD's service area and become the sole provider of emergency services. The exact reimbursement cost has yet to be determined and will require the ESD to submit information about its amount of bonded debt and its overall service area.


This annexation request was scheduled for consideration by the City Council during its November 14, 2023, and on April 9, 2024 meetings. At the request of the applicants, the City Council postponed consideration of this request both times, most-recently until the City Council’s October 8, 2024 second regular meeting. Due to pending environmental test results, and at the applicant’s request, the City Council approved an additional postponement of this request to the City Council’s February 11, 2025, second regular meeting.


Analysis and Recommendation: 

During its regular meeting on October 5, 2023, the Planning and Zoning Commission concurred with staff and unanimously voted to recommend approval of the owner-requested annexation of these 51.59 acres, and to assign Planned Development – Housing District (PD-H) zoning to the property upon annexation.




  1. approve the proposed owner-initiated annexation; or
  2. approve the proposed owner-initiated annexation with modifications, which may require rescheduling the request for consideration on a future City Council meeting agenda, re-notification, and/or newspaper publication; or
  3. do not approve this proposed owner-initiated annexation at this time and provide direction to staff.



  1. location maps;
  2. draft annexation ordinance and exhibits with service plan;
  3. excerpt from October 8, 2024, City Council second regular meeting minutes; 
  4. email from applicants dated September 10, 2024, requesting postponement; 
  5. excerpt from April 9, 2024, City Council second regular meeting minutes; 
  6. excerpt from November 14, 2023, City Council second regular meeting minutes;
  7. email from applicant dated November 7, 2023 requesting postponement;
  8. excerpt from October 5, 2023 Planning and Zoning Commission regular meeting draft minutes;
  9. staff report to the Planning and Zoning Commission; and 
  10. attachments to staff report to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
4. Public Hearings and First and Only Readings of Ordinances - Open public hearing, hear citizen comments, close public hearing, staff presentation, and consider first and only reading of ordinance.
B. Public Hearing, presentation, and consideration of an ordinance to designate the RELLIS Reinvestment Zone No. 2, pursuant to Texas Tax Code Chapter 312, for a 25 acre tract situated in the James F. Curtis Jr. Survey, Abstract No. 12, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, to allow for future ad valorem property tax abatement within the Zone
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Preferred Date
Feb 18, 2025
Absolute Date
Feb 18, 2025
Fiscal Impact
Budget Source
Economic Development


The proposed Ordinance for City Council consideration and possible approval establishes RELLIS Reinvestment Zone No. 2, as required by State law, for economic development incentives. In this case, the Reinvestment Zone is being established to allow for future ad valorem property tax abatement within the Zone.


The property description as cited in the Public Hearing Notice and Ordinance is as follows:


A 25.00-acre tract situated in the James F. Curtis Jr. Survey, Abstract No. 12, Bryan. Brazos County, Texas and being out of 42.343-acre tract as depicted on a survey plat prepared by Gessner Engineering on September 28, 2020 (Project No. 20-1092. Said 42.43-acre tract being out of a called 1,991.39-acre tract described in a Deed without Warranty to the Board of Directors of The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas recorded in Volume 219, Page 210, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas (D.R.B.C.T.).


Attached is a location map of RELLIS Reinvestment Zone No. 2 and the proposed Ordinance establishing the Zone.


Staff Analysis and Recommendation: 

In compliance with State law, staff proceeded with the Notice of a Public Hearing to consider designation of RELLIS Reinvestment Zone No. 2 for tax abatement purposes under Chapter 312 Texas Tax Code. The Notice first appeared in The Eagle on February 4, 2025.


The purpose of this designation is to attract a significant economic development project located on the Texas A&M System's RELLIS Campus. Engagement with a prospect has been ongoing for the past several years. Time is of the essence on this designation. Staff recommends approving the proposed Ordinance to designate RELLIS Reinvestment Zone No. 2, pursuant to Texas Tax Code Chapter 312, for the 25.00 acre tract as referenced above on the A&M System's RELLIS Campus.



1.  Approve the proposed Ordinance

2.  Do not approve the proposed Ordinance



1.  Location Map

2.  RELLIS Reinvestment Zone No. 2 Ordinance - with Exhibits

5. Consent (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of ministerial or “housekeeping” items required by law such as routine bids, contracts, purchases, and resolutions. Items may be removed from the consent agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
A. Approval of Minutes of Workshop, First Regular and Second Regular Meetings of January 14, 2025
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Action (Consent), Minutes
5. Consent (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of ministerial or “housekeeping” items required by law such as routine bids, contracts, purchases, and resolutions. Items may be removed from the consent agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
B. Approval of Change Order No. 1 to the Engagement Letter (agreement/contract) with Baker Tilly for Internal Audit Services increasing the not to exceed amount from $150,000 to $200,000 per year
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Action (Consent)
Preferred Date
Feb 18, 2025
Absolute Date
Feb 18, 2025
Fiscal Impact
Dollar Amount
Budget Source
General Fund


On August 14, 2018, the City Council approved an Engagement Letter (i.e., agreement/contract) with Baker Tilly for internal audit services. Prior to that time, internal audit services were provided by a City Council appointee; that is, a City of Bryan employee referred to as the City Internal Auditor. Since approving the Engagement Letter, Baker Tilly has worked directly with the City of Bryan Audit Committee.


After five years of Baker Tilly providing internal audit services, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was issued to test the market. On August 8, 2023, at the unanimous recommendation of the Audit Committee, the City Council unanimously approved a new engagement letter with Baker Tilly. The current Engagement Letter is for an initial three (3) year term with a possible two (2) year term extension for a total of five (5) years, assuming the City Council agrees to the two-year extension at the end of the initial three-year term. Consequently, this year marks year two of the current Engagement Letter.


On average, Baker Tilly completes two (2) to four (4) audits per year. Additionally, the firm provides compliance reviews on past audits in the form of an Audit Remediation Status report. To summarize, the contracted City Internal Auditor's work products include an Audit Risk Assessment, an annual Audit Plan, Internal Audit Status Reports, audits, responsibility of the Fraud Hotline, and other deliverables as necessary to provide services identified in the Engagement Letter.


Staff Analysis and Recommendation:

About three years ago (in 2022), staff visited with Baker Tilly representatives about increasing funding for internal audit services. The current Engagement Letter has a not to exceed amount of $150,000, which is the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget amount. During the 2022 discussions, staff verbally agreed to take a $50,000 increase to the Audit Committee for consideration. However, a suggested increase was not proposed to the Audit Committee until October 28, 2024.


At the October 28, 2024, Audit Committee meeting, the Committee directed staff to bring an action item increasing the funding to $200,000, a $50,000 increase, to the Committee for consideration. On January 23, 2025, the Audit Committee approved recommending a revised funding amount of $200,000 to the City Council, with the intent of increasing the amount in the current fiscal year (i.e., FY 2025). The Audit Plan approved by the Audit Committee on January 23, 2025, includes services totaling over $200,000. To date and with a set not to exceed amount, the firm does not fully bill the City for services rendered, if the cost of services exceeds the not to exceed amount.


For comparison, the City’s Professional Auditor Services for the “external audit” for Fiscal Year 2024 with Weaver and Tidwell is a total of $208,000 (City and BTU); Baker Tilly also does City and BTU audits (“internal audit”). Additionally, based on historic information dating back to 2022, the proposed increase is in-line with market conditions.


Audit Committee members are: Councilmembers Ray Arrington, Jared Salvato, and Marca Ewers-Shurtleff, along with citizens Alan Dock (a Certified Public Accountant) and Buppy Simank. Stacey Gill is the City's point of contact with Baker Tilly and the firm's representative who meets with the Audit Committee.


Based on the Audit Committee’s action, the recommendation is for the City Council to approve Change Order No. 1 to the Engagement Letter (agreement/contract) with Baker Tilly for Internal Audit Services. The Change Order No. 1 will take effect immediately to address the Fiscal Year 2025 Audit Plan services, which include an initial summary as follows:

•        Attend Audit Committee Meetings and Status Reporting ($16,575)

•        Fraud Hotline Management ($1,105)

•        Audit Remediation Follow-Up ($33,150)

•        Annual Risk Assessment ($16,575)

•        2 – 3 Full Internal Audits ($132,600 – 2 Audits)

•        Total: $200,005



  1. Approve the proposed Change Order No. 1 to the Engagement Letter (agreement/contract) with Baker Tilly for Internal Audit Services
  2. Modify and then approve the proposed Change Order No. 1 to the Engagement Letter (agreement/contract) with Baker Tilly for Internal Audit Services, which may require additional discussions with Baker Tilly and consideration at a future City Council meeting
  3. Do not approve the proposed Change Order No. 1 to the Engagement Letter (agreement/contract) with Baker Tilly for Internal Audit Services and provide the Audit Committee and City staff with direction
  4. Other action at the City Council's discretion



  1. Proposed Change Order No. 1 to the Engagement Letter (agreement/contract) with Baker Tilly for Internal Audit Services increasing the amount from $150,000 to $200,000
  2. Current Engagement Letter (agreement/contract) with Baker Tilly for Internal Audit Services (dated July 17, 2023; approved by the City Council on August 8, 2023; and fully executed on August 16, 2023)


5. Consent (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of ministerial or “housekeeping” items required by law such as routine bids, contracts, purchases, and resolutions. Items may be removed from the consent agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
C. Approval of Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute land acquisition purchases on behalf of the City of Bryan for the Woodville Road Phase One Reconstruction Project.
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Action (Consent)
Preferred Date
Feb 18, 2025
Absolute Date
Feb 18, 2025
Fiscal Impact
Dollar Amount
Budget Source
Certificates of Obligation FY2024 - Fund 377 = $60,000
Quality of Life
Public Safety


Phase One of the Woodville Road Reconstruction will convert the street from an open ditch roadway to curb and gutter, and thereby matching the previously completed section from SH6 to Old Hearne Road. The scope includes storm sewer along with replacing other utilities from North Texas Avenue to Old Hearne Road. This project was originally added to the pool of projects to consider for the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) in 2009 and then was split into two phases in 2015. The project is included in the FY 2024 approved CIP. An active design contract with RME Engineers (approved April 11, 2023) exists, in the amount of $296,000 (or 4.9% of the $6MM preliminary cost estimate for construction). Through design, several easements were identified that do not require City Council action and have been approved by the City Manager.


This resolution provides the City Manager authority to execute each individual land purchase as coordinated through the City’s Land agent, Threshold Land Services. Five (5) parcels of land are being negotiated for approximately 10-foot strips of right-of-way. This right-of-way is being purchased for approximately 1,300 linear feet along the corridor to provide a much more comfortable buffer for the sidewalk and aid crews in efforts to install and maintain public utility lines.


Currently, three property owners that have signed a Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding for a Fee Simple Right-of-Way Purchase.


Staff Analysis and Recommendation: 

Staff recommends approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute land acquisition purchases on behalf of the City of Bryan for the Woodville Road Phase One Reconstruction Project for a not-to-exceed amount of $60,000. By approving the resolution, five land acquisitions can be executed more efficiently, with less staff and City Council time being spent on each purchase.



  1. Approve the proposed Resolution as presented
  2. Do not approve the proposed Resolution and provide direction to staff



  1. Proposed Resolution 
  2. Map of Affected Properties
5. Consent (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of ministerial or “housekeeping” items required by law such as routine bids, contracts, purchases, and resolutions. Items may be removed from the consent agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
D. Approval of Change Order No. 4 to a contract with Don Jackson Construction, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $351,000 for interior improvements associated with a new box hangar under construction at Coulter Airfield
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Action (Consent)
Preferred Date
Feb 18, 2025
Absolute Date
Feb 18, 2025
Fiscal Impact
Dollar Amount
Budget Source
Bond Fund
Quality of Life
Economic Development


To meet increased demand for airplane hangar space and anticipated influx of business travel into Coulter Airfield, City Council approved a construction contract with Don Jackson Construction, Inc. on April 11, 2023. The contract was approved in an amount not to exceed $5,484,879 for the construction of (4) four hangars, including one (1) 10,000 square foot box hangar; one (1) 17,000 square foot box hangar; one (1) 5-unit connected box hangar; and one (1) 10-unit t-hangar.


On September 5, 2023, the City Council approved Change Order No. 1 to the contract in an amount not to exceed $199,966 for construction of a sewer line along Wallis Road to service the two (2) large box hangars. Inclusive of the City Council's approval of Change Order No. 1, the current contract total is $5,684,845. Change Order No. 2, dated September 17, 2024, extended the contract expiration date to January 6, 2025, based on weather delays to construction. Change Order No. 3, dated January 8, 2025, extended the contract expiration date to July 6, 2025, due to supply chain delays. 


The 5-unit connected box hangar has been completed and all units are leased. The 10-unit t-hangar has been completed and all units are leased. The 10,000 square foot box hangar has been completed and has a prospective lessee. The 17,000 square foot box hangar has been completed but not currently leased.


To assist in leasing the 17,000 square foot box hangar, staff proposes finishing out the hangar to add office space, storage, and restrooms. The estimated cost to finish out the office space, storage, and restrooms is $351,000. 


Staff Analysis and Recommendation: 

Providing a hangar appropriate for expanding business aviation operations is a positive economic development to Coulter Airfield. 


The initial contracted cost of the 17,000 square foot box hangar is $1,818,860 or $107 per square foot. The proposed finish out of $351,000 increases the total cost of the 17,000 square foot hangar to $2,169,860 or $128 per square foot.


Staff recommends approving Change Order No. 4 to the construction contract with Don Jackson Construction, Inc. and funding the project with bond funds in an amount not to exceed $351,000. If this change order is approved by the City Council, the new contract amount will not exceed $6,035,845.




1. Approve Change Order No. 4 to finish out the 17,000 square foot box hangar to add office space, storage, and restrooms in an amount to not exceed $351,000

2. Do not approve Change Order No. 4 and provide direction to staff



1. Don Jackson Construction Inc. Proposal

2. Change Order No. 4 to RFQ#22-058

3. Finish out plans for the 17,000 square foot box hangar

5. Consent (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of ministerial or “housekeeping” items required by law such as routine bids, contracts, purchases, and resolutions. Items may be removed from the consent agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
E. Approval of purchase of component parts for the Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) system for Water Services
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Action (Consent)
Preferred Date
Feb 18, 2025
Absolute Date
Feb 18, 2025
Fiscal Impact
Dollar Amount
Budget Source
Water Fund
Quality of Life
Public Safety


In 2008, BTU and Water Services entered into an agreement with R.W. Beck to develop a business case for an Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) system. In 2009, results of the business case were presented to the City Council, as staff asked permission to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to possible AMI vendors. After receiving City Council direction, staff received three proposals from AMI system vendors. After evaluating the proposals, staff selected Sensus as the preferred vendor. In early 2010, staff asked the City Council for permission to negotiate with Sensus on a contract for the installation of the AMI system. On February 22, 2011, the City Council approved a contract with Sensus for the development, procurement, and implementation of the AMI system.


Although the system is fully functional, growth and maintenance expenses are ongoing. With several new development projects underway, another year of elevated service connections is expected. A typical residential water connection costs approximately $200 for the meter and communication module, and consequently, staff anticipates spending approximately $200,000 to manage growth rates. Staff also provides for a 1% failure rate of infrastructure over the entire system. While many of these components will be replaced under warranty, if they fail, the return merchandise authorization (RMA) process takes time. The remaining $50,000 allows for surplus inventory to be readily available to replace items not covered under warranty and to mitigate processing time on warranty items. These purchases qualify as sole source procurements, and a sole source letter is on file.


The following are historical expenses over the past ten years:

FY24 - $249,993.62

FY23 - $249,924.40

FY22 - $332,162.78

FY21 - $249,962.27

FY20 - $199,914.32

FY19 - $149,409.41

FY18 - $49,951.20

FY17 - $205,461.90

FY16 - $349,953.65

FY15 - $1,000,413.90


Notes: Through Fiscal Year (FY) 2017, the prices are somewhat elevated as the existing infrastructure was still being converted to the AMI system. In FY 2018, the expense was abnormally low as stock items purchased during the conversion were pulled from inventory and installed in the system. 


Staff recommends the City Council authorize the purchase of meters and communication modules through Sensus for the ongoing installation and expansion of an AMI system for Water Services at an amount not to exceed $250,000. This purchase order will be set up through a blanket purchase order, and funds only will be expended for meters and modules ordered. This authorization allows staff to purchase up to $250,000 worth of equipment during FY 2025.  


Staff Analysis and Recommendation: 

Staff recommends approving the purchase of meters and communication modules through Sensus for the ongoing installation and expansion of an Advanced Meter Infrastructure system for Water Services. AMI has the ability to reduce billing and operational costs, plus provide time of use and leak detection to customers. Revenue will be maximized by upgrading underperforming meters with more accurate meters.



1.  Authorize the expenditure of funds

2.  Modify the expenditure amount, which may require consideration at a future City Council meeting

3.  Provide direction to staff




5. Consent (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of ministerial or “housekeeping” items required by law such as routine bids, contracts, purchases, and resolutions. Items may be removed from the consent agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
F. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
6. Statutory (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of items previously approved by Council action such as adoption of items that are part of an approved budget or capital improvement projects, first and only readings of ordinances, interlocal agreements, or action that is required by law or delegated to the City Manager. Items may be removed from the statutory agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
A. Approval of a professional services contract with CDM Smith, Inc. allowing preliminary design services for Brushy Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant in an amount not to exceed $404,000.
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Action (Statutory)
Preferred Date
Feb 18, 2025
Absolute Date
Feb 18, 2025
Fiscal Impact
Dollar Amount
Budget Source
Wastewater Fund


Water Services respectfully requests the City Council's approval of a professional services contract with CDM Smith (CDM) in the not to exceed amount of $404,000 allowing for preliminary design services to include development of an engineering feasibility report, permitting, and a construction cost estimate relating to development of the future Brushy Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (Brushy Creek). 


Brushy Creek will provide sewer service to Bryan's eastside. Wastewater flow from Burton Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (Burton Creek) eventually will be diverted to Brushy Creek for treatment. The ultimate long-term goal is to divert all of Burton Creek's service area to Brushy Creek. The City has been issued a discharge permit from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for Brushy Creek. The discharge permit authorizes an annual average treated volume of 6.0 million gallons per day (MGD) as the initial build capacity with a final build capacity of 12.0 MGD. A condition assessment and flow monitoring of the Burton Creek sewer basin was completed in 2023. Findings from this effort, combined with review of the anticipated growth of the sewer basin, financial considerations, and planned capacity diversion from Burton Creek, indicates a lower plant capacity of 4.0 MGD for Brushy Creek's initial build with phased expansions to follow at 8.0 MGD and 12 MGD will provide the needed capacity. This change will require an amendment to the discharge permit. This action will be classified as a "minor amendment" and refers to a small, non-substantial change and will not subject the permit to the more rigorous "major amendment" review process that provides opportunity for a public hearing by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.  


The presented contract allows Water Services to continue its progression planning for Brushy Creek. Generally, Brushy Creek's design and layout will follow Thompsons Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, which commenced operation in 2013 and was designed by CDM. This approach benefits the project by carrying forward the general design, control strategy, and treatment strategy from Thompsons Creek to Brushy Creek. To note, operational advantage is gained because plant operators and maintenance personnel are familiar with operation of Thompsons Creek. A higher level of treatment will be required of Brushy Creek because of the water quality standards of its receiving stream. To meet this challenge, tertiary filtration will be incorporated to Brushy Creek's design. Brushy Creek will be the first Bryan wastewater plant to employ tertiary treatment.  


The presented contract serves as a necessary step in development of the Brushy Creek plant and meeting the future service needs of Bryan's eastside. The engineering feasibility report will analyze the viability of the project and will satisfy Texas Water Development Board Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) requirements for possible funding consideration. CWSRF provides low interest loans for eligible projects with interest rates at zero percent to market for a period up to thirty years. Lastly, CDM will prepare and facilitate permit revisions with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.


A breakdown of deliverables is listed below:


Task 1: Project Management   $15,000

Task 2: Preliminary Design  $360,000

Task 3: Discharge Permit Revision  $29,000

Total   $404,000


Note: deliverables provided by this contract are for preliminary design. A separate design contract will be presented for City Council consideration to allow full design of the plant and advertisement for construction.   


Staff Analysis and Recommendation: 

Water Services recommends the City Council award a professional services contract to CDM Smith, Inc. for preliminary design of Brushy Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant in the not to exceed amount of $404,000. Added sewer capacity is needed to meet future sewer needs of Bryan's eastside. The presented contract will further development of this project towards final design and satisfy regulatory elements required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for permitting and plant design. 



1. Award the proposed Contract

2. Do not award the proposed Contract and provide staff with direction



1. Contract

6. Statutory (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of items previously approved by Council action such as adoption of items that are part of an approved budget or capital improvement projects, first and only readings of ordinances, interlocal agreements, or action that is required by law or delegated to the City Manager. Items may be removed from the statutory agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
B. Approval of Design Contract for Shared Use Paths & Lighting for West Villa Maria Road Phase 2, City Job Number 350-D8-2418, and William Joel Bryan Parkway, City Job Number 350-D8-2419, to Colliers Engineering & Design, Inc. in the not to exceed amount of $302,944.
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Action (Statutory)
Preferred Date
Feb 18, 2025
Absolute Date
Feb 18, 2025
Fiscal Impact
Dollar Amount
Budget Source
FY2024 Certificates of Obligation – Fund 377 = $302,944
Quality of Life
Public Safety


This project includes the design of two 12-foot-wide shared use paths (SUP): one along the north side of FM1179 (West Villa Maria Road) from FM 2818 (Harvey Mitchell Parkway) to Willis Vanhook Drive (continuing the soon to be completed section from SH47 to FM 2818) and one along the north side of FM158 (William Joel Bryan (WJB) Parkway) from SH6 Business (North Texas Avenue) to SH21 (San Jacinto Lane), providing safe pedestrian access to schools, parks, multiple neighborhoods.


The limits of the West Villa Maria Road SUP are described as ending at Willis Vanhook Drive due to the fact the grade-separated crossing at Wellborn Road presents a major challenge in extending the wide SUP section under the railroad tracks to Midtown Park Boulevard. There is a sidewalk that can be utilized, however, and ending at Willis VanHook Drive provides an opportunity to possibly extend a SUP along Finfeather Road and/or develop the green space into a ‘pocket park’. This second phase extends Phase One and connects SH47 all the way to Midtown, providing access to and from the large retail center located at the corner of FM 2818 and Villa Maria Rd and will allow for more bicycle traffic to move off of the roadway. Through the improvements at Midtown Park and along South College Avenue, this path will ultimately connect to Downtown, offering more multi-modal options to more of Bryan’s residents.


In October 2024, the City adopted a Western Corridor Overlay District along WJB Parkway with the intent to prioritize density and walkability to ensure high-functioning growth and development along the corridor. This proposed shared use path and lighting improvements supports those efforts to provide a more pedestrian-focused area. This project also extends current improvements on WJB Parkway from North Texas Avenue to SH6 to facilitate a transportation mode shift and provide more pedestrian and bicycle facilities.


The original intent for this project was to begin design and apply for a TxDOT 2025 Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TA) Program grant concurrently. However, after recent changes to the terms of the program, projects requiring right-of-way acquisition may not apply. Therefore, staff’s intention is to complete the design and acquire any required right-of-way prior to the next Call for Projects. This process also provides the benefit of any design changes being captured well before the final Engineer’s Estimate of Construction Cost is complete to limit any overages the City could be responsible for through the Advanced Funding Agreement with TXDOT.


Right-of-way needs were first identified during the 2021 schematic design of the paths (provided as attachments). It will be during a full investigation of the site conditions (through topographic and boundary surveying) that all land acquisition needs will be identified and offers will be made to land owners. Currently, five (5) parcels along West WJB Parkway have been identified by the schematic design for pieces of acquisition. Acquisitions along West Villa Maria Road are not anticipated, but due to the cost threshold, this SUP is not be eligible for TxDOT TA funding alone and the two sections are proposed as one project. A resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute those right-of-way purchases on behalf of the City will be brought before the City Council at a later date once all parcels are identified.


Two (2) responses were received to Request For Qualifications (RFQ) #24-052 and Colliers Engineering and Design was found to rank the highest.


The Design Contract, in the amount of $302,944, which is approximately 7.5% of the Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Costs of $4,039,931, includes the following highlights:


  1. Topographic survey & right-of-way & easement determination
  2. Geotechnical investigation and report recommending pavement design
  3. Engineering design of the shared use paths, lighting, modifications to pedestrian signals, and other project planning tasks
  4. Bid phase & construction phase services


Funding for the design of these projects will come from the FY 2024 Bonds. Once the design and all required right-of-way acquisitions are complete, staff will apply for the next available TxDOT Transportation Alternatives grant program in an effort to receive funding for the construction, hopefully in January of 2026. The City will be able to leverage the design cost as a portion of the required 20% local match.


Staff Analysis and Recommendation: 

Staff recommends approval of the Design Contract for Shared Use Paths & Lighting for West Villa Maria Road Phase 2, City Job Number 350-D8-2418, and WJB Parkway, City Job Number 350-D8-2419, to Colliers Engineering & Design, Inc. in the not to exceed amount of $302,944.



  1. Approve Design Contract
  2. Do not approve Design Contract and provide direction to staff. 



  1. West Villa Maria Road Shared Use Path layout exhibit
  2. West Villa Maria Road Shared Use Path schematic set
  3. West William Joel Bryan Parkway Shared Use Path layout exhibit
  4. West William Joel Bryan Parkway Shared Use Path schematic set


6. Statutory (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of items previously approved by Council action such as adoption of items that are part of an approved budget or capital improvement projects, first and only readings of ordinances, interlocal agreements, or action that is required by law or delegated to the City Manager. Items may be removed from the statutory agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
C. Approval of an ordinance allowing for temporary construction speed limit on State Highway 21 near RELLIS Campus
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Action (Statutory)
Preferred Date
Feb 18, 2025
Absolute Date
Feb 18, 2025
Fiscal Impact
Budget Source
Public Safety


Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) construction project CSJ (0116-04-111) will provide R-cut left turn lanes and R-cut U-turn improvements on State Highway 21 to provide improved access to the RELLIS Campus and properties adjacent to State Highway 21.   

To improve the safety of the construction crews in the work area and the public traveling through the work zone, TxDOT requests the City of Bryan temporarily reduce the regulatory speed in the work zone from 75 to 60 miles per hour between mile point 2.358 to mile point 4.243 in the vicinity of RELLIS Campus (approximately 1.885 miles). The proposed construction speed zone will extend beyond the city limits and into the County (see attachment 4 for County approval).


The limits of the reduced speed limits are:




TxDOT’s Procedures for Establishing Speed Zones manual describes the process for establishing a regulatory construction speed zone within an incorporated city, which includes two options. The first (and preferred) option is the local government establishes a regulatory construction speed zone by adopting an ordinance; the second option is for TxDOT’s Transportation Commission to enact an official Minute Order of the same effect. TxDOT prefers the local government establish an ordinance because it more easily allows local public opinion to be considered, and it ultimately is the local government’s responsibility to enforce this regulation. The accompanying ordinance establishes a temporary 60 mile per hour regulatory construction speed zone along the section of State Highway 21 listed above and as shown on the attached map.


The construction speed zone is temporary, only effective during construction, and expires after the completion of the TxDOT construction project. TxDOT and its contractor will be responsible for placing all signs and establishing the times when the reduced speed zone is in effect based upon the work in progress and traffic control plan in the construction plans.


The speed limit will be posted early in the project and will remain until the work is complete.


Staff Analysis and Recommendation: 

Staff recommends approving an ordinance temporarily amending Chapter 118 of the Bryan Code of Ordinances by changing the posted speed limit on State Highway 21 from 75 to 60 miles per hour from mile point 2.358 to mile point 4.243 in the vicinity of RELLIS Campus (approximately 1.885 miles). The proposed change will enhance worker, pedestrian, and motorist safety in this area. Passage of the construction speed limit will allow TxDOT to more safely construct the proposed improvements on State Highway 21. Adoption of this ordinance may cause minor inconvenience to motorists using State Highway 21 during the construction period of the project.



  1. Approve the ordinance.
  2. Do not approve the ordinance and provide direction to staff. 



  1. Construction Speed Zone Map
  2. State Highway 21 Letter to Mayor
  3. State Highway 21 Bryan Ordinance No
  4. Speed Zone Email
6. Statutory (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of items previously approved by Council action such as adoption of items that are part of an approved budget or capital improvement projects, first and only readings of ordinances, interlocal agreements, or action that is required by law or delegated to the City Manager. Items may be removed from the statutory agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
D. Approval of an ordinance allowing for re-designation of a portion of Tabor Road currently known as Farm to Market Road 974 to Farm to Market Road 823
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Action (Statutory)
Preferred Date
Feb 18, 2025
Absolute Date
Feb 18, 2025
Fiscal Impact
Budget Source
Public Safety


In advance of a Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) construction project that will remove the northbound lanes of Tabor Road directly south of Wilkes Road, TxDOT has requested that the City of Bryan support their request to re-designate the portion of Tabor Road (Farm to Market Road 974) from the United States 190 Frontage Road to State Highway 21 (approximately 0.12 miles) into Tabor Road (Farm to Market Road 823). No properties along the roadway will need to be readdressed as the roadway will still be known as Tabor Road. Only the Farm to Market designation will change.


In order to remain consistent with the proposed re-designation, changes to the portion of the City's speed limit ordinances that reference Farm to Market Road 974 are required. Changes to the posted speed limit along Farm to Market Road 974 are not being made at this time.


Staff Analysis and Recommendation: 

Staff recommends approving an ordinance to re-designate an approximately 0.12 mile portion of Tabor Road (Farm to Market Road 974) into Tabor Road (Farm to Market Road 823) and to modify language within Chapter 118 to remain consistent with the new roadway designations.



  1. Approve the ordinance.
  2. Do not approve the ordinance and provide direction to staff. 



  1. Ordinance
  2. Clean and Redlined Complete Ordinance Text
  3. FM 974 to FM 823 Exhibit
6. Statutory (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of items previously approved by Council action such as adoption of items that are part of an approved budget or capital improvement projects, first and only readings of ordinances, interlocal agreements, or action that is required by law or delegated to the City Manager. Items may be removed from the statutory agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
E. Consider approval of a Contract regarding Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 25-008 “Annual Price Agreement for Custodial Services” Group 1 and Group 2 with Crystal Clear Cleaning, LLC in the amount of $218,399.
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Action (Consent)
Preferred Date
Feb 18, 2025
Absolute Date
Feb 18, 2025
Fiscal Impact
Dollar Amount
Budget Source
General Fund


A Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Annual Price Agreement for Custodial Services was issued on November 20, 2024. By the RFP deadline of December 17, 2024, the City received seven (7) responses meeting all requirements. Proposals were received from Crystal Clear Cleaning, LLC, Service First Janitorial, Ambassador Services, McLemore Building Maintenance, American Facility Services, Jani-King of Austin, and Myriad Elite National Facility Services.


The term of this proposed contract is for two (2) years with three (3) additional one-year extension options pending approval by the City Council for a possible total of five (5) years. Any contract extensions cannot include increases in unit bid prices unless through a duly executed change order.


The scope of work consists of, but is not limited to, full service to restroom amenities, servicing of all trash receptacles, vacuuming, mopping, dusting, wipe down of flat surfaces, polishing of elevator bright-work, cleaning of breakrooms, disinfecting of water fountains, spot cleaning of carpets, spot cleaning of walls, and interior entryway glasswork. Sweeping of exterior entryways and walkways are included. Floors are to be stripped plus waxed and all carpeted areas to receive extraction services twice annually. Trash liners, cleaning supplies, paper products, equipment, and storage of such material to be utilized during the course of work are the responsibility of the awarded contractor.


While the RFP included up to fourteen (14) facilities based on three separate groupings, the proposed contract includes nine (9) properties and two (2) groups. Groups are based on specific service needs, overall square footages to be maintained, accessibility restrictions, and location. In an effort to improve overall customer service to facilities, the RFP included additional locations added for consideration listed in Group 3. Group 1 includes the Bryan Justice Center, and Fire Stations No. 1 and No. 2 Administration offices. Group 2 includes the Municipal Office Building, repurposed BTU Administration Building, Municipal Service Center complex, Parks and Facilities Services office, Clara B Mounce Library, and the Neal Recreation Center. Group 3 includes the Coulter Field Terminal, Carnegie Library, Bryan Animal Center, Information Technology building and Community Development Building. With the three groups within the RFP, vendors had the option to propose on individually or the entire package. Unit pricing was required to be broken down for services at each individual site. Unit pricing allows the City the authority to prorate services determined to be deficient during the course of work and provides the ability to properly manage to address possible budget constraints.


The historical costs for this contract scope for the last three years were $170,513 (2022 term extension), $168,323 (2023 term extension), and $153,607 (2024 term extension). The budgeted amount for custodial services for FY2025 is $172,704 based on the current annual contract rate. Due to unit pricing having not increased during the current contract’s five-year term, costs of goods and services for the proposed scope of work has increased approximately five percent (5%) each year dating back to 2020, and consequently, the custodial service budget is underfunded for today’s market conditions. Staff will request a budget transfer for the current fiscal year and submit a Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Decision Package request for future funding to bridge the proposed cost difference.


A City staff evaluation team reviewed proposals in detail. Evaluation criteria included, but was not limited to, qualifications and experience, rates and expenses, methodology to complete the proposed scope, and references for projects of similar size. After review of proposals and the current budget, staff determined only Group 1 and Group 2 can be funded at this time. Group 3 properties were included into the proposal process in an attempt to improve facility conditions, but will continue to be maintained internally until additional funding is allocated.


Staff Analysis and Recommendation: 

After conducting reference checks, evaluating cost proposals, and reviewing vendors’ relevant experience, staff determined Crystal Clear Cleaning, LLC (Bryan, Texas) will provide the best value for the City. Staff recommends the City Council award this proposed contract to Crystal Clear Cleaning, LLC for Group 1 and Group 2 only in the amount of $218,399.



1. Approve awarding a Contract regarding Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 25-008 "Annual Price Agreement for Custodial Services” to Crystal Clear Cleaning, LLC for Group 1 and Group 2 in the amount of $218,399


2. Do not approve awarding the contract and provide direction to staff


3. Take no action and provide staff with directive



1. Original RFP No. 25-008 (as posted)


2. Crystal Clear Cleaning signed contract

6. Statutory (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of items previously approved by Council action such as adoption of items that are part of an approved budget or capital improvement projects, first and only readings of ordinances, interlocal agreements, or action that is required by law or delegated to the City Manager. Items may be removed from the statutory agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
F. Contract Amendment No. 1 to the Geotechnical Engineering, Materials Testing, and Construction Inspection Services (RFQ 24-003) contract with Terracon Consultants, Inc., for $250,000.
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Action (Statutory)
Preferred Date
Feb 18, 2025
Absolute Date
Feb 18, 2025
Fiscal Impact
Dollar Amount
Budget Source
Funds are budgeted in various funds, including but not limited to Transportation Fund, Water Fund, Wastewater Fund, Bond Fund, and General Fund.


The Engineering Department retains annual contracts with multiple firms to provide geotechnical engineering, materials testing, and construction inspection services to ensure proper construction of the City’s infrastructure projects. The Request for Qualifications (RFQ #24-003) for this service received Statement of Qualification (SOQ) responses from six (6) firms, from which three (3) local firms were selected (Terracon, Gessner, and CME). These contracts were approved by the City Council on February 13, 2024. The original contract was setup for two (2) years with an extension clause to extend the contract for three (3) one (1) year terms. 


The initial 2-year term was an error on staff’s part, which has limited the use of the contract over the whole 2-year period. Over the past four (4) years, the City of Bryan spent on average approximately $120,000 per year with Terracon with expenditures in 2021 being $149,496 and 2024 expenses totaling $92,110. Approving this amendment allows continued use of the contract through February 2026 when the first extension of the contract occurs. On February 13, 2024, the $150,000 contract went into effect and roughly $25,000 in unused capacity is remaining on the contract at the end of January 2025. 


This contract was setup as a Blanket Purchase Orders (BPOs), which means they do not encumber funds when the contract is approved. Funds are encumbered at the time an invoice is paid with the funding source being various sources that relate to the respective Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) for which the tests are performed. The contracts are not to exceed amounts with service fees paid at the respective fee schedule rates. Since this is a professional engineering services contract, State law prevents bidding of engineering services and requires firms to be selected based on qualifications.


Below is a summary of the current contract and the new contract amount.


Amount of Amendment No. 1:   $   250,000.00

Original Contract Amount:         $   150,000.00

New Contract Total:                  $   400,000.00


Staff Analysis and Recommendation: 

Staff recommends approving Contract Amendment No. 1 to the Terracon Consultants, Inc. Professional Services Contract for Geotechnical Engineering, Materials Testing, and Construction Inspection Services contract (RFQ #24-003) in the amount of $250,000. This amendment provides for continued use of the contract through 2025 until the contract term renews in February 2026.



  1. Approve Contract Amendment No. 1.
  2. Do not approve Contract Amendment No. 1 and provide direction to staff. 



  1. Contract Amendment 1
  2. Terracon - 2024 Expenses by Project
6. Statutory (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of items previously approved by Council action such as adoption of items that are part of an approved budget or capital improvement projects, first and only readings of ordinances, interlocal agreements, or action that is required by law or delegated to the City Manager. Items may be removed from the statutory agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
G. Contract Amendment No. 3 to the Geotechnical Engineering, Materials Testing, and Construction Inspection Services (RFQ 24-003) contract with Gessner Engineering, LLC, for $250,000.
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Action (Statutory)
Preferred Date
Feb 18, 2025
Absolute Date
Feb 18, 2025
Fiscal Impact
Dollar Amount
Budget Source
Funds are budgeted in various funds, including but not limited to Transportation Fund, Water Fund, Wastewater Fund, Bond Fund, and General Fund.


The Engineering Department retains annual contracts with multiple firms to provide geotechnical engineering, materials testing, and construction inspection services to ensure proper construction of the City’s infrastructure projects. The Request for Qualifications (RFQ #24-003) for this service received Statement of Qualification (SOQ) responses from six firms, from which three local firms were selected (Terracon, Gessner, and CME). These contracts were approved by the City Council on February 13, 2024. The original contract was setup for two (2) years with an extension clause to extend the contract for three (3) one (1) year terms. The initial 2-year term was an error on staff’s part, which has limited the use of the contract over the whole 2-year period. Over the past four years, the City of Bryan spent on average $236,686 per year with Gessner ($252,398.39 in 2021, $98,006.94 in 2022, $204,449.75 in 2023, and $391,889.00, in 2024).  


In 2024, the largest expenditures by project include Hillside/Old Oaks at $84,590.75, Midtown Phase 8a at $71,033.00, Crane & Elm Street and Utility at $75,076.25, and South College Avenue at $133,640.50. As an example, expenditures associated with South College Avenue were reviewed and between June 2023 and end of December 2024, 442 material testing reports were prepared, and of those, 78 reports contained failed test results. Failed Test results are paid by the contractor through deductions to their monthly pay estimates, for the South College Avenue project, the amount totaled $30,620.64 of failed tests. The contractor utilized three different material suppliers for cement sand, which caused additional reporting that could have been minimized if they had one consistent supplier. Of the tests, 68% were for cement stabilized sand and 18% for concrete strength. Of the failed tests, 85% were for cement sand and 10% for density tests. While the City is paid back by the contractor through the City withholding payment for failed tests, the expense against the BPO still occurs. 


On February 13, 2024, the $150,000 contract went into effect and Contract Amendment No. 1 was approved on August 5, 2024, for $35,500 to pay incurred expenses. On October 8, 2024, Contract Amendment No. 2 was approved in the amount of $214,500, bringing the total to $400,000. At the end of January 2025, approximately $8,000 remains available in the blanket purchase order (BPO). Contract Amendment No. 3 (this CAF) is being sought as existing incurred expenses to Gessner need to be paid totaling about $40,000; staff prefers the option of continuing to use the firm throughout 2025. Approving this amendment allows payment of those expenses and continued use of the contract through February 2026 when the first annual extension of the contract occurs. 


This contract was setup as a Blanket Purchase Orders (BPOs), which means funds are not encumbered when the contract is approved. Instead, funds are encumbered at the time an invoice is paid with the funding source being various sources as related to the respective Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) for which tests are performed. The contracts are not to exceed amounts with service fees paid at the respective fee schedule rates. As a professional engineering services contract, State law prevents bidding of engineering services and requires firms to be selected based on qualifications.


Below is a summary of the current contract and the new contract amount.


Amount of Amendment No. 3:                           $    250,000.00

Amount of Amendment No. 2:                           $    214,500.00

Amount of Amendment No. 1:                           $      35,500.00

Original Contract Amount:                                 $    150,000.00

New Contract Total:                                       $   650,000.00


Staff Analysis and Recommendation: 

Staff recommends approving Contract Amendment No. 3 to the Gessner Engineering, LLC Professional Services Contract for Geotechnical Engineering, Materials Testing, and Construction Inspection Services contract (RFQ #24-003) in the amount of $250,000. This amendment provides for payment of existing invoices and adds capacity in the existing contract to continue utilizing Gessner Engineering through 2025 until the contract term renews in February 2026.



  1. Approve Contract Amendment No. 3
  2. Do not approve Contract Amendment No. 3 and provide direction to staff



  1. Contract Amendment No. 3
  2. 2024 Expenditures by Project
6. Statutory (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of items previously approved by Council action such as adoption of items that are part of an approved budget or capital improvement projects, first and only readings of ordinances, interlocal agreements, or action that is required by law or delegated to the City Manager. Items may be removed from the statutory agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
H. Approval of a Construction Contract to Kieschnick General Contractors, Inc. in a not to exceed amount of $2,914,234.70 for the construction of the Stella Ranch lift station improvements
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Action (Statutory)
Preferred Date
Feb 18, 2025
Absolute Date
Feb 18, 2025
Fiscal Impact
Dollar Amount
Budget Source
Wastewater Debt and Wastewater Fund Balance
Economic Development
Quality of Life


On November 17, 2022, the City Council approved a development agreement between the City of Bryan and Steep Hollow Land LP. The development agreement outlined several requirements for the developer and the City. Information below outlines the information contained in the Council Action Form for the development agreement. 


On December 6, 2024, the Stella Ranch lift station was advertised for bid. Bids were opened on January 3, 2025. Two bids were received through a Request for Proposal (RFP) process. Kieschnick General Contractors Inc was found to be the best value for the City. Staff asked for cost savings from both bidders. Some cost savings proposals were accepted in the recommended contract.


This project consists of constructing a lift station, with a service area of approximately 1,150 acres (see attachment 1). The lift station will have a decorative 8-foot tall concrete panel fence screening the lift station from the adjacent homes. An emergency generator is included in the project scope. Estimated time of completion is 100 working days, which is approximately five months. The City Council previously approved the gravity line and force main improvements at the November 12, 2024, City Council meeting for an amount of $2,218,789.50.


As outlined below in the development agreement, the estimated cost of the sewer improvements was $4MM. The actual cost of the improvements between the two contracts is $5,133,024.20.


Staff recommends awarding the Construction Contract for the lift station improvements to Kieschnick General Contractors, Inc. While the sanitary sewer improvements are connected with the development agreement listed below, the improvements will serve other surrounding properties for future development. 


Development Agreement:

Long-term growth trends indicate Bryan's east side is ripe for continued development of new high-quality master-planned residential subdivisions, specifically along the desirable Steep Hollow Road/FM 1179 Corridor. Two years ago, the owner and developers of a proposed master-planned community, known as Stella Ranch, requested City approval of a proposed municipal utility district (MUD) to finance the extension of Bryan's sanitary sewer infrastructure to an approximately 253-acre property located in Bryan's extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ), approximately two miles from the current Bryan city limits. Their development plan is in partnership with five prominent local builders for the development of 400 medium-density single-family homes with an average assessed value of $450,000.


Due to recent changes in State law restricting Texas cities from unilateral annexation, the City of Bryan's utility extension policy requires landowners to petition for annexation to access City water and/or sanitary sewer. In this case, the cost to extend sanitary sewer over two miles through adjacent properties was cost prohibitive, leading the developers to look for other alternatives, such as a MUD district, building a private sewer treatment plant, or developing a large-lot ETJ subdivision with private septic service that would under-utilize land and decrease the likelihood the development would ever be annexed to the City of Bryan.


Following extensive research of various alternatives, researched determined the City can enter into a development agreement with the Stella Ranch landowner, along with separate development agreements with two other adjacent large landowners forming a chain of properties contiguous with city limits, whereby the City can extend sanitary sewer infrastructure ("Wastewater Improvements") in exchange for owner-petitioned annexation. The cost of the proposed Wastewater Improvements was estimated at $4MM, and is included in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Wastewater Fund Capital Project budget.


The existing Development Agreement includes the following terms:


Developer Obligations:

City's Obligations:


Staff Analysis and Recommendation: 

Staff recommends awarding the Construction Contract to Kieschnick General Contractors, Inc for the construction of the Stella Ranch lift station. 



1.  Approve the Construction Contract as presented

2.  Select a different vendor, which may require consideration at a future City Council meeting

3.  Do not award the contract and provide staff direction



1. Service Area Map

2. Map of Properties along sewer extension

3. Development Agreement

6. Statutory (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of items previously approved by Council action such as adoption of items that are part of an approved budget or capital improvement projects, first and only readings of ordinances, interlocal agreements, or action that is required by law or delegated to the City Manager. Items may be removed from the statutory agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
I. Consider Approval of Statutory Agenda
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting

This agenda consists of items previously approved by Council action such as adoption of items that are part of an approved budget or capital improvement projects, first and only readings of ordinances, interlocal agreements, or action that is required by law or delegated to the City Manager.  Items may be removed from the statutory agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.

7. Regular Agenda - This agenda consists of items requiring individual consideration by Council.
A. Consider appointment to Community Emergency Operations Center Policy Board
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Preferred Date
Feb 18, 2025
Absolute Date
Feb 18, 2025
Fiscal Impact


The Brazos Community Emergency Operations Center (CEOC) is a multi-jurisdictional facility that offices Brazos County, City of Bryan, City of College Station and Texas A&M University emergency management personnel. This Brazos Community Emergency Operation Center website is the official source for emergency information and press releases when the CEOC and the Joint Information Center (JIC) are activated.  Cray Crouse's appointment to the Community Emergency Operations Center Policy Board began in January of 2023 and expired in December of 2024.  This appointment will be a two year term moving forward.  

If Council is so inclined, Mr. Crouse is happy to continue on this Board.


Staff Analysis and Recommendation:

Staff recommends reappointing Cray Crouse to serve on this Board with a term of January 2025 - December 2026.



1.  Appoint Cray Crouse to serve on this Board.

2.  Appoint another individual to this Board.

7. Regular Agenda - This agenda consists of items requiring individual consideration by Council.
B. Consider appointments to the Bryan/College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization Technical Advisory Committee
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Preferred Date
Feb 18, 2025
Absolute Date
Feb 18, 2025
Fiscal Impact


The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) exists to provide high-level technical advice to both the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) staff members and the MPO Policy Board. The TAC meets on the third Thursday of every month and reviews both issues of a technical nature and issues to be brought to the next MPO Policy Committee meeting. The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) includes representatives from various entities within Brazos County. Based upon their individual areas of professional expertise, TAC members provide skilled analysis and comments regarding proposed transportation plan and programs.

The two COB appointments expired in November of 2024.  

The terms are 3 years.

Staff Analysis and Recommendation:

Staff recommends appointing Jayson Barfknecht and Paul Kaspar to serve on this Board with a term of November 20, 2024 - November 19, 2027.



1.  Appoint two individuals to serve on this board

2.  Give further direction to staff

7. Regular Agenda - This agenda consists of items requiring individual consideration by Council.
C. Consider appointments of individuals to the TIRZ #10 Board for a two-year term and selection of Chairpersons for TIRZ #10, TIRZ#21 and TIRZ#22 Boards for a one-year term.
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Preferred Date
Feb 18, 2025
Absolute Date
Feb 18, 2025
Fiscal Impact


There are six seats on the TIRZ #10 (Traditions) Board appointed by the City Council. The other members are appointed by Brazos County (1), State House Representative for District 14 (1), and State Senator for District 5 (1).


There are two City Council appointed seats for TIRZ #10 (Traditions) that are currently vacant and must be filled for a partial term that will end on December 31, 2025.  In December of 2025, these seats will all be up for appointment/re-appointment for two year terms. 


Additionally, the City Council selects the Chairperson for each of the TIRZ Boards; any Board member can serve as Chairperson. Chairperson terms are for one year.


The current Chairpersons are:

TIRZ#10 - Spencer Clements

TIRZ#21 - Chris Lawrence

TIRZ#22 - Michael Beckendorf


Staff Analysis and Recommendation: 

Staff recommends appointing individuals to the board seats and selecting the chairperson.



1. Make the appointments

2. Do not make the appointments and provide directions to staff


Current TIRZ membership

8. Reports
A. City Manager Report - City Manager update on capital improvement, development and redevelopment projects, staff/citizen recognition, reports on attendance at meetings and events, and information to the public about upcoming public meetings and events.
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting
Information, Reports
8. Reports
B. Items of Community Interest - Expressions of thanks, congratulations or condolences; information regarding holiday schedules; honorary recognition of city officials, employees or other citizens; information regarding attendance at community-related events; and reminders about upcoming events sponsored by the City or other entity that are scheduled to be attended by a city official or city employee.
Feb 18, 2025 - Bryan City Council Second Regular Meeting