3. Requests for Approval of Conditional Use Permits - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval; appeals may be directed to City Council).
4. Request for Approval of Variance to Standards - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval; applicants may direct appeals to City Council).
5. Request for Approval of Zoning Changes - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission makes recommendation; City Council has final approval).
6. Requests related to 0.441 acres of land located at the northern corner of Green Street and Tee Drive, being Lots 10 through 13 in Block D of Country Club Estates Addition – Phase 1, in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas.
7. Request related to 0.244 acres of land, located at the southwest corner of Lakeview Street and Fairway Drive, being Lot 1 and part of Lot 2 in Block D of Country Club Estates Addition – Phase 1, in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas.
8. Proposed Amendments to the text of Bryan's Code of Ordinances - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission makes recommendation; City Council has final approval).
9. Recommendation to the City Council regarding residential subdivision design and standards - A public hearing will be held for each item (Commission makes recommendation; City Council has final approval).
3. Requests for Approval of Conditional Use Permits - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval; appeals may be directed to City Council).
4. Request for Approval of Variance to Standards - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval; applicants may direct appeals to City Council).
5. Request for Approval of Zoning Changes - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission makes recommendation; City Council has final approval).
6. Requests related to 0.441 acres of land located at the northern corner of Green Street and Tee Drive, being Lots 10 through 13 in Block D of Country Club Estates Addition – Phase 1, in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas.
7. Request related to 0.244 acres of land, located at the southwest corner of Lakeview Street and Fairway Drive, being Lot 1 and part of Lot 2 in Block D of Country Club Estates Addition – Phase 1, in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas.
8. Proposed Amendments to the text of Bryan's Code of Ordinances - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission makes recommendation; City Council has final approval).
9. Recommendation to the City Council regarding residential subdivision design and standards - A public hearing will be held for each item (Commission makes recommendation; City Council has final approval).