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2. Executive Session
D. Open Session for Action Following Executive Session
D. Open Session for Action Following Executive Session
3. Council Hear Citizens Regarding Agenda Items Only
4. Regular Agenda - This agenda consists of items requiring individual consideration by Council.
A. Consider approval of the purchase of a mobile stage from Century Industries in an amount not to exceed $300,000
B. Consider approval of a schematic design contract with Walker Partners, L.L.C., for Bryan Midtown Park Phase 3C Contract 2 for lake edge boardwalk, City Job Number 700-D0-2219, in the amount not to exceed $123,850
C. Adoption of a resolution of the City of Bryan, Texas, authorizing City staff to submit a Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant application to the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) to request federal funding for capital improvements related to the revitalization of Downtown Bryan
D. Discussion regarding possible College Station wastewater line through Beverly Estates neighborhood in Bryan
A. Consider approval of the purchase of a mobile stage from Century Industries in an amount not to exceed $300,000
B. Consider approval of a schematic design contract with Walker Partners, L.L.C., for Bryan Midtown Park Phase 3C Contract 2 for lake edge boardwalk, City Job Number 700-D0-2219, in the amount not to exceed $123,850
C. Adoption of a resolution of the City of Bryan, Texas, authorizing City staff to submit a Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant application to the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) to request federal funding for capital improvements related to the revitalization of Downtown Bryan
D. Discussion regarding possible College Station wastewater line through Beverly Estates neighborhood in Bryan
Feb 22, 2023 Bryan City Council Special Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
2. Executive Session
D. Open Session for Action Following Executive Session
D. Open Session for Action Following Executive Session
3. Council Hear Citizens Regarding Agenda Items Only
4. Regular Agenda - This agenda consists of items requiring individual consideration by Council.
A. Consider approval of the purchase of a mobile stage from Century Industries in an amount not to exceed $300,000
B. Consider approval of a schematic design contract with Walker Partners, L.L.C., for Bryan Midtown Park Phase 3C Contract 2 for lake edge boardwalk, City Job Number 700-D0-2219, in the amount not to exceed $123,850
C. Adoption of a resolution of the City of Bryan, Texas, authorizing City staff to submit a Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant application to the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) to request federal funding for capital improvements related to the revitalization of Downtown Bryan
D. Discussion regarding possible College Station wastewater line through Beverly Estates neighborhood in Bryan
A. Consider approval of the purchase of a mobile stage from Century Industries in an amount not to exceed $300,000
B. Consider approval of a schematic design contract with Walker Partners, L.L.C., for Bryan Midtown Park Phase 3C Contract 2 for lake edge boardwalk, City Job Number 700-D0-2219, in the amount not to exceed $123,850
C. Adoption of a resolution of the City of Bryan, Texas, authorizing City staff to submit a Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant application to the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) to request federal funding for capital improvements related to the revitalization of Downtown Bryan
D. Discussion regarding possible College Station wastewater line through Beverly Estates neighborhood in Bryan
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