Thursday, December 17, 2020
Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
12:00 p.m., Council Chambers, Bryan Municipal Building, 300 South Texas Avenue, Bryan, Texas.
SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE: Due to the COVID-19 public disaster and related disaster declarations, the Governor’s Executive Orders include temporary suspension or alteration of specific provisions of Open Meetings laws. The method of the public meeting and hearings for the December 17, 2020 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting will be contingent upon the status of the COVID-19 crisis and/or any declarations/orders that may be in effect on the date of the meeting. The Planning & Zoning Commission may hold the public hearing in any of the following methods: 1) teleconference, 2) Zoom video conference, 3) in-person with proper social distancing guidelines in place. If the meeting is conducted in-person, the meeting will be held in Council Chambers of the Bryan Municipal Office Building located at 300 S. Texas Avenue, and some Commissioners may participate through
videoconferencing means. For more information on meeting location and ways to view and/or present comments, please contact Development Services prior to 12:00pm on Thursday, December 17, at 979-209-5030 or by emailing planning@bryantx.gov.
1. Opening Items
- Subject
- A. Call to Order.
- Meeting
- Dec 17, 2020 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Procedural
1. Opening Items
- Subject
- B. Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag.
- Meeting
- Dec 17, 2020 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Procedural
1. Opening Items
- Subject
- C. Hear Citizens.
- Meeting
- Dec 17, 2020 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Information
1. Opening Items
- Subject
- D. Recognition of Affidavits filed in response to State Law on Disclosure of Local Official's Conflict of Interest.
- Meeting
- Dec 17, 2020 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Procedural
2. Consent Agenda - these items are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
- Subject
- A. Approval of minutes from the workshop and regular meeting on December 3, 2020.
- Meeting
- Dec 17, 2020 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action (Consent), Minutes
All matters in the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
2. Consent Agenda - these items are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
- Subject
- B. Replat RP20-41: Beason Addition - Proposed Replat of Lots 7 through 13, Lots 17 through 19, and part of Lot 16 in Block 10 of the Beason Addition, being 1.99 acres of land adjoining the southeast side of West Duncan Street, approximately 150 feet to 500 feet west of its intersection with Orman Street, and currently addressed as 503 through 513 West Duncan Street and 512 West Carson Street in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (L. Hackett)
- Meeting
- Dec 17, 2020 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
2. Consent Agenda - these items are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
- Subject
- C. Right-of-way Abandonment RA20-10: 500 Block of North Logan Avenue - A request to abandon 2,000 square feet of public street right-of-way for North Logan Avenue, adjoining Block 181 of the Bryan Original Townsite, located in the 500 Block of North Logan Avenue between West 21st and West 22nd Streets in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (K. Williams)
- Meeting
- Dec 17, 2020 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
2. Consent Agenda - these items are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
- Subject
- D. Approval of Consent Agenda
- Meeting
- Dec 17, 2020 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action (Consent)
All matters in the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
3. Presentation and Discussion Items - Questions may be directed to staff; no action will be taken.
- Subject
- A. Staff presentation and discussion regarding a possible text amendment regulating the use of shipping containers on private property.
- Meeting
- Dec 17, 2020 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
4. Closing Items
- Subject
- A. Upcoming Noon Regular Meeting Dates: January 21 and February 18, 2021. 12pm. Council Chambers.
- Meeting
- Dec 17, 2020 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Discussion, Information, Procedural
4. Closing Items
- Subject
- B. Upcoming Evening Regular Meeting Dates: January 7 and February 4, 2021. 5/6pm. Council Chambers.
- Meeting
- Dec 17, 2020 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Discussion, Information, Procedural
4. Closing Items
- Subject
- C. Future Agenda Items (A Planning and Zoning Commission member may request that a subject for which notice has not been given be placed on an agenda for a future meeting).
- Meeting
- Dec 17, 2020 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Discussion
4. Closing Items
- Meeting
- Dec 17, 2020 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Procedural