Thursday, June 6, 2019
Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
6:00 p.m.
Council Chambers, Bryan Municipal Building
300 South Texas Avenue, Bryan, Texas
1. Opening Items
- Subject
- A. Call to Order.
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Procedural
1. Opening Items
- Subject
- B. Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag.
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Procedural
1. Opening Items
- Subject
- C. Hear Citizens.
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Information
1. Opening Items
- Subject
- D. Recognition of Affidavits filed in response to State Law on Disclosure of Local Official's Conflict of Interest.
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Procedural
2. Consent Agenda - these items are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
- Subject
- A. Approval of minutes from the regular meeting on May 16, 2019.
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action (Consent), Minutes
All matters in the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
2. Consent Agenda - these items are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
- Subject
- B. Final Plat FP19-10: Yaupon Trails Subdivision - Phase 1 - Proposed Final Plat of Yaupon Trails Subdivision - Phase 1, being 38.64 acres of land out of the Maria Kegan League, A-28, adjoining the northwest side of Hardy Weedon Road, approximately 1,550 to 2,900 feet northeast of its intersection with State Highway 30 (FM 158) in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (L. Hackett)
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action
2. Consent Agenda - these items are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
- Subject
- C. Final Plat FP19-12: Cottages at the City Course - Proposed Final Plat of the Cottages at the City Course Subdivision, being 4.21 acres of land out of the John Austin Survey, A-2, adjoining the southwest side of Country Club Drive, approximately 430 to 690 feet northwest from its intersection with Briarcrest Drive in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (L. Hackett)
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action
2. Consent Agenda - these items are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
- Subject
- D. Approval of Consent Agenda
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action (Consent)
All matters in the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
3. Requests for Approval of Replats - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval).
- Subject
- A. Replat RP19-06: Kazmeier Gardens - Proposed Replat of Lots 1 and 3 in Block 2 of the Kazmeier Gardens Subdivision, being 0.61 acres of land located at the southwest corner of Beason Street and Reese Avenue, and currently addressed as 1892 and 1896 Reese Avenue in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (K. Williams)
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action
3. Requests for Approval of Replats - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval).
- Subject
- B. Replat RP19-13: Mesquite Flats - Proposed Replat of Lot 9 in Block 1 of the Mesquite Flats Subdivision, being 3.14 acres of land adjoining the east side at the terminus of Water Well Road, approximately 1,400 to 1,650 feet northeast of its intersection with Fazzino Lane, and currently addressed as 3489 Water Well Road in Bryan’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) in Brazos County, Texas. (K. Williams)
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action
4. Request for Approval of Zoning Changes - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission makes recommendation; City Council has final approval).
- Subject
- A. Rezoning RZ19-05: Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. - A request to change the zoning classification from Agricultural Open District (A-O) to Planned Development District - Housing (PD-H) on 8.85 acres of land out of the Stephen F. Austin Survey No. 9 adjoining the south side of Bruin Trace between West Martin Luther King, Jr. and Saunders Streets, and currently addressed as 1601 West Martin Luther King, Jr. Street in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (L. Hackett)
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
4. Request for Approval of Zoning Changes - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission makes recommendation; City Council has final approval).
- Subject
- B. Rezoning RZ19-15: City of Bryan - A request to change the zoning classification from Office District (C-1) to Downtown South District (DT-S) on approximately 1.05 acres of land out of Block 138 of the Bryan Original Townsite, adjoining the north side of West 28th Street between South Sims and South Parker Avenues and adjoining the west side of South Parker Avenue between West 27th and West 28th Streets, and currently addressed as 200, 202 and 204 South Parker Avenue and 306 and 308 West 28th Street in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (R. Haynes)
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
4. Request for Approval of Zoning Changes - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission makes recommendation; City Council has final approval).
- Subject
- C. Rezoning RZ19-17: City of Bryan - A request to change the zoning classification from South College Residential District (SC-R) to Residential Neighborhood Conservation District (R-NC) on 4.8 acres of land adjoining the east side of South College Avenue between East North Avenue and East Brookside Drive, being Blocks 8 and 9 of the North Oakwood Subdivision in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (K. Williams)
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
4. Request for Approval of Zoning Changes - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission makes recommendation; City Council has final approval).
- Subject
- D. Rezoning RZ19-18: Zwernemann Flooring - A request to change the zoning classification from Commercial District (C-3) to Retail District (C-2) on 1.3 acres of land adjoining the west side of the North Earl Rudder West Frontage Road between East Martin Luther King, Jr. Street and Water Locus Drive, and currently addressed as 1147 North Earl Rudder Freeway in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (A. Kay)
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
5. Requests for Approval of Conditional Use Permits - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval; appeals may be directed to City Council).
- Subject
- A. Conditional Use Permit CU19-06: Richard Little - A request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit, to allow the construction of a 501-square foot accessory dwelling unit on land zoned Residential District – 5000 (RD-5), specifically on 0.24 acres of land adjoining the northeast side of Aspen Street between Clay and Jefferson Streets, being Lot 17 & part of Lot 18 in Block 9B of Highland Park Addition – Phase 2 and currently addressed as 4205 Aspen Street in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (A. Kay)
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
5. Requests for Approval of Conditional Use Permits - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval; appeals may be directed to City Council).
- Subject
- B. Conditional Use Permit CU19-09: Schieffer Development, Co. - A request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit, to allow the expansion of an existing manufactured home community by adding 60 additional lots on land zoned Commercial District (C-3) and Agricultural Open District (A-O), specifically on 18.7 acres of land adjoining the north side of East State Highway 21 between Tabor Road and Bluebonnet Street, being part of the Northview Subdivision, Block 1, and part of the Stephen F. Austin League No. 10, Tract 308, and currently addressed as 2508 East State Highway 21 in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (R. Haynes)
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
6. Request for Approval of Variance to Standards - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval; applicants may be direct appeals to City Council).
- Subject
- A. Planning Variance PV19-12: Eco-Site II, LLC - A request for approval of a variance to the minimum distance required between cell towers to allow the proposed construction of a new tower on 27.41 acres of city owned land out of the Stephen F. Austin League No. 9, and located approximately 530 feet northwest from its intersection with Beck and Cedar Streets in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (A. Kay)
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
7. Closing Items
- Meeting
- Jun 6, 2019 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Procedural