1. Opening Items
A. Call to Order.
Aug 2, 2018 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
1. Opening Items
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag.
Aug 2, 2018 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
1. Opening Items
C. Hear Citizens.
Aug 2, 2018 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
1. Opening Items
D. Recognition of Affidavits filed in response to State Law on Disclosure of Local Official's Conflict of Interest.
Aug 2, 2018 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
2. Consent Agenda - these items are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
A. Approval of minutes from the workshop and regular meetings on July 19, 2018.
Aug 2, 2018 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
Action (Consent), Minutes
All matters in the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
2. Consent Agenda - these items are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
B. Approval of Consent Agenda
Aug 2, 2018 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
Action (Consent)
All matters in the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
3. Requests for Approval of Replats - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval).
A. Replat RP18-25: St. Joseph Regional Health Center - proposed Replat of Lot 1R in Block F of the St. Joseph Regional Health Center Subdivision, being 13.77 acres of land adjoining the south side of East 29th Street between East Villa Maria Road and Memorial Drive, and currently addressed as 2801 Franciscan Drive in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (S. Doland)
Aug 2, 2018 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
4. Request for Approval of Zoning Changes - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission makes recommendation; City Council has final approval).
A. Rezoning RZ18-16: Tom Light Chevrolet Company, Inc. - A request to change the zoning classification from Agricultural – Open District (A-O) to Commercial District (C-3), on approximately 2.9 acres of land adjoining the west side of Tom Light Drive, approximately 280 to 920 feet southwest of the intersection of Boonville Road and Tom Light Drive, being Lot 9.1 in Block 18 of the John Austin League and Lot 2 in Block 1 of the Tom Light Chevrolet Co Subdivision in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (R. Haynes)
Aug 2, 2018 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
4. Request for Approval of Zoning Changes - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission makes recommendation; City Council has final approval).
B. Rezoning RZ18-18: Jose Canuto Diaz - A request to change the zoning classification from Office District (C-1) to Residential District - 5000 (RD-5), on 1.14 acres of land adjoining the southwest corner of Groesbeck and Richard Streets, being Lot 2R in Block 1 of the Thomas Heights Addition, and currently addressed as 1800 Groesbeck Street in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (A. Kay)
Aug 2, 2018 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
5. Request for Approval of Variance to Standards - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval; applicants may be direct appeals to City Council).
A. Planning Variance PV18-08: Eco-Site II, LLC - A request for approval of a variance to the minimum distance required between cell towers and any residential structure or residential boundary, to allow the proposed construction of a new tower on land adjoining the south side of Hudson Street, located approximately 138 to 288 feet southwest from its intersection with West 17th Street, being Lot 12 in Block 4 of Bryan’s 3rd and currently addressed as 1009 Hudson Street in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (A. Kay)
Aug 2, 2018 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
5. Request for Approval of Variance to Standards - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval; applicants may be direct appeals to City Council).
B. Planning Variance PV18-12: Stylecraft Builders - A request for approval of an 18-inch variance from the minimum 25-foot front building setback generally required on properties zoned Residential District – 5000 (RD-5), to allow the proposed construction of a single-family home which is planned to extend within 23.5 feet from the front property line on property located at 2550 Elkhorn Trail, adjoining the northeast side of Elkhorn Trail approximately 370 to 450 feet east of the intersection of Tabor Road and Elkhorn Trail, being Lot 8 in Block 1 of the Sierra Ridge Estates Subdivision – Phase 2 in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (S. Doland)
Aug 2, 2018 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
6. Requests related to 16.443 acres of land out of the John Austin League No. 10, A-10, adjoining the northwest side of Old Reliance Road, approximately 1,500 to 5,500 feet northeast of its intersection with North Earl Rudder Freeway (SH-6) in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. - A Public Hearing will be held for each item. (Commission has final approval; applicants may be direct appeals to City Council).
A. Planning Variance PV18-13: BORD Development, LP - A request for approval of a variance to the minimum 50-foot lot width generally required on residential properties, to allow the creation of nine lots proposed to be no less than 42 feet wide on approximately 16.4 acres of land adjoining the northwest side of Old Reliance Road, approximately 1,500 to 5,500 feet northeast of its intersection with North Earl Rudder Freeway (SH-6), being proposed Lots 7 through 11 in Block 1 and Lots 7 through 10 in Block 2 of the Rudder Pointe Subdivision – Phase 1 in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (R. Haynes)
Aug 2, 2018 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
6. Requests related to 16.443 acres of land out of the John Austin League No. 10, A-10, adjoining the northwest side of Old Reliance Road, approximately 1,500 to 5,500 feet northeast of its intersection with North Earl Rudder Freeway (SH-6) in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. - A Public Hearing will be held for each item. (Commission has final approval; applicants may be direct appeals to City Council).
B. Final Plat FP18-07: Rudder Pointe Subdivision - Phase 1 - Proposed Final Plat of Rudder Pointe Subdivision - Phase 1, being 16.443 acres of land out of the John Austin League No. 10, A-10, adjoining the northwest side of Old Reliance Road, approximately 1,500 to 5,500 feet northeast of its intersection with North Earl Rudder Freeway (SH-6) in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (R. Haynes)
Aug 2, 2018 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
7. Proposed Amendments to the text of Bryan's Code of Ordinances - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission makes recommendation; City Council has final approval).
A. Bryan Code of Ordinances Chapter 62, Land and Site Development, and Chapter 130, Zoning - Proposed amendments to the text of Bryan Code of Ordinances to add new definitions for "twin homes," adding specific use standards for twin homes, and determining in which zoning districts said use will be permitted. (L. Hackett)
Aug 2, 2018 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
8. Closing Items
A. Adjourn.
Aug 2, 2018 - Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting