Thursday, June 7, 2018
Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
6:00 p.m.
Council Chambers, Bryan Municipal Building
300 South Texas Avenue, Bryan, Texas
1. Opening Items
- Subject
- A. Call to Order.
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Procedural
1. Opening Items
- Subject
- B. Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag.
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Procedural
1. Opening Items
- Subject
- C. Hear Citizens.
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Information
1. Opening Items
- Subject
- D. Recognition of Affidavits filed in response to State Law on Disclosure of Local Official's Conflict of Interest.
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Procedural
2. Consent Agenda - these items are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
- Subject
- A. Approval of minutes from the workshop and special meetings on May 17 and the special meeting on May 22, 2018.
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action (Consent), Minutes
All matters in the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
2. Consent Agenda - these items are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
- Subject
- B. Master Plan MP18-01: Carrabba Industrial Park - Proposed Revised Master Plan of Carrabba Industrial Park Subdivision, being 54.69 acres of land out of Stephen F. Austin League No. 10, A-63 and Lots 1 and 2 in Block 3 of Marino Estates No. 2 adjoining the west side of Marino Road approximately 3,300-feet to 4,230-feet northwest of its intersection with East State Highway 21 in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (A. Kay)
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action
2. Consent Agenda - these items are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
- Subject
- C. Right-of-way Abandonment RA18-04: Bryan Original Townsite - Block 122 - A request to abandon a 20-foot wide by 58.70 to 64.0-foot long portion of public alley right-of-way, being at total of 0.028 acres of land extending south from West 22nd Street in Block 122 of the Bryan Original Townsite, located approximately 114-feet to 134-feet west of the intersection of North Bryan Avenue and West 22nd Street, adjacent to properties currently addressed as 203 and 205 West 22nd Street in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (A. Kay)
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action
2. Consent Agenda - these items are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
- Subject
- D. Final Plat FP17-18: Austin's Colony - Phase 18 - Proposed Final Plat of Austin's Colony Subdivision - Phase 18, being 18.623 acres of land out of the John Austin League A-2, adjoining the southeast side of Bullinger Creek Drive just south of its intersection with Thornberry Drive in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (L. Hackett)
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action
2. Consent Agenda - these items are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
- Subject
- E. Final Plat FP18-08: Edgewater Subdivision Phase 3 - Proposed Final Plat of Edgewater Subdivision - Phase 3, being 21.71 acres of land out of the Zeno Phillips League, adjoining the east side of Autumn Lake Drive between Viva Road and Shimla Drive in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (L. Hackett)
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action
2. Consent Agenda - these items are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
- Subject
- F. Approval of Consent Agenda
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action (Consent)
All matters in the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the Planning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If the Commission desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, it will be moved (at the request of two Commissioners) to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.
3. Requests for Approval of Replats - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval).
- Subject
- A. Replat RP18-03: Rockwood Park Estates Subdivision - Proposed Replat of Lot D11 in Block A of the Rockwood Park Estates Subdivision, being 1.271 acres of land adjoining the southwest corner of North Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM 2818) and Pinewood Drive in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (L. Hackett)
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action
3. Requests for Approval of Replats - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval).
- Subject
- B. Replat RP18-13: Reynolds Addition - Proposed Replat of parts of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 1 of the Reynolds Addition, being 0.11 acres of land located at the east corner of Center and Reynolds Streets in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (L. Hackett)
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action
3. Requests for Approval of Replats - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval).
- Subject
- C. Replat RP18-20: Country Club Estates Subdivision - Proposed Replat of Lots 7 through 12 in Block B of the Country Club Estates Subdivision, being 0.859 acres of land located at the northeast corner of Fairway Drive and Green Street in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (R. Haynes)
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action
3. Requests for Approval of Replats - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval).
- Subject
- D. Replat RP18-22: Chatham Northview Subdivision - Proposed Replat of Lots 1-4, Lot 5R, and Lots 15-17 in Block 2, as well as a portion of an abandoned 15-foot wide alley in Block 2 of Chatham Northview Subdivision, being 2.513 acres of land located at 2300 and 2308 East State Highway 21, adjoining the north side of East State Highway 21 between Tabor Road and Brookhaven Street in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (L. Hackett)
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Action
4. Request for Approval of Zoning Changes - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission makes recommendation; City Council has final approval).
- Subject
- A. Rezoning RZ18-03: Nicholas & Esther Ponce, Virgilio Ponce, Syed Askari and Olegario & Linda Sanchez - A request to change the zoning classification from Retail District (C-2) to Commercial District (C-3), on 3.92 acres of land adjoining the west side of the 1300-1400 blocks of Groesbeck Street between Palasota Drive and Eden Lane, being Lots 18 through 26 and Lots 35 through 43 of the Coulter’s Addition and currently addressed as 1312, 1314, 1400, 1404 and 1410 Groesbeck Street in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (R. Haynes)
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
5. Requests for Approval of Conditional Use Permits - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval; appeals may be directed to City Council).
- Subject
- A. Conditional Use Permit CU18-05: BNT Real Property Holdings, LLC - A request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit, to allow a commercial amusement (outdoor) and restaurant use on land zoned Planned Development – Industrial District (PD-I), specifically on 4.534 acres of land adjoining the southeast side of Shiloh Avenue, approximately 1,055 feet southwest from its intersection with Stone City Drive in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (A. Kay)
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
6. Request for Approval of Variance to Standards - A Public Hearing will be held for each item (Commission has final approval; applicants may be direct appeals to City Council).
- Subject
- A. Planning Variance PV18-06: Erin Provazek - A request for approval of a 4.33-foot variance from the minimum 7.5-foot side building setback generally required on properties zoned Residential - Neighborhood Conservation District (R-NC), to allow the installation of a new carport which is proposed to extend as close as 3.17 feet from the north side property line on property at 1207 Broadmoor Drive, adjoining the west side of Broadmoor Drive between its intersection with Carter Creek Parkway and Barak Lane, being parts of Lot 6, 7, 9 and all of Lot 8 in Block 7 of the Briargrove Subdivision – Phase 3 in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (L. Hackett)
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
7. Closing Items
- Meeting
- Jun 7, 2018 - Copy of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
- Type
- Procedural