1. Convene Meeting
2. Council Hear Citizens Regarding Agenda Items Only
A. First and only reading of an ordinance authorizing and ordering the issuance of City of Bryan, Texas, Electric System Revenue Refunding Bonds, New Series 2022; establishing parameters with respect to the sale of the bonds; and enacting other provisions incident and related thereto
5. Consent (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of ministerial or “housekeeping” items required by law such as routine bids, contracts, purchases, and resolutions. Items may be removed from the consent agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
6. Statutory (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of items previously approved by Council action such as adoption of items that are part of an approved budget or capital improvement projects, first and only readings of ordinances, interlocal agreements, or action that is required by law or delegated to the City Manager. Items may be removed from the statutory agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
Items 8B & 9