On behalf of the property owner, the applicant, Mr. Todd Carnes, is requesting to change the zoning classification on 11.81 acres of land from Commercial District (C-3) to Residential District – 5000 (RD-5). The 11.81-acre subject property is undeveloped. To facilitate the residential development of the property, Mr. Carnes is requesting to change the zoning classification.
The area surrounding the subject property contains a mix of land uses. To the northwest and west, across Osborn Lane, lies over 500 acres of land zoned RD-5 District. To the northeast is the Bryan Mid-Towne Apartment Homes development. Although the zoning of this 8.8-acre tract is C-3 District, a conditional use permit was issued in 2008 that allowed the development of the multi-family project. This same conditional use approval included the 11.81-acre subject tract. Southeast of the subject tract is an undeveloped 6-acre tract of land also zoned C-3 District, beyond which lies the 45-acre Allen Forest Subdivision, which is zoned RD-5 District.
The C-3 District is intended predominantly for heavy retail and commercial uses of a service nature that typically have operating characteristics or traffic service requirements generally compatible with typical retail or shopping, but generally not with residential environments. Operating characteristics that may be typical of uses permitted in the C-3 District include service oriented, may sell used goods, require warehouse storage and delivery areas, and have a greater service radius than retail stores.
The RD-5 District is intended to provide for development of detached dwelling units on lots of not less than 5,000 square feet.
Analysis and Recommendation:
During its regular meeting on July 1, 2021, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of this rezoning request.
In 2016, Bryan’s Planning and Zoning Commission appointed a subcommittee to study the effects of by-the-room-occupancy of single detached residences in established Bryan neighborhoods. The practice was then commonly known as “stealth dorms”. The study primarily focused on the area between the former Travis B. Bryan Municipal Golf Course (now Travis Bryan Midtown Park) at the intersection of W. Villa Maria Road and S. College Avenue and the southern edge of the city limits. The subcommittee found the practice of redeveloping portions of existing neighborhoods with new buildings that were nominally single detached residences, in fact had land use characteristics similar to multifamily apartments or boarding houses. While the existing homes in the older neighborhoods were often in disrepair, the subcommittee found the resulting housing product that replaced them created negative impacts on the surrounding neighborhoods.
On February 13, 2018, the City Council approved new development regulations for this housing type, now referred to as detached shared housing, as a first step to address the issues created by this redevelopment trend. In September 2018, the City of Bryan hired consultant team Miller Boskus Lack of Fayetteville, Arkansas to prepare an area plan for Midtown, with the area being loosely bounded by W. Villa Maria Road, S. College Avenue, Wellborn Road, and the southern limits of the City of Bryan.The plan preparation included an 18-month long planning and public input process.
A 26-member advisory committee comprised of local citizens and stakeholders worked alongside City staff and the consultant team to brainstorm ideas and issues, provide input, and review draft recommendations. The plan preparation also included four (4) public workshops/open houses with over 300 attendees in total, 15 updates to elected and appointed officials during public meetings, three (3) online surveys, and a dynamic project website articulating proposed changes and updates throughout the process. This community-wide planning effort concluded on May 12, 2020, when with a unanimous recommendation for approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission, the City Council adopted the Midtown Area Plan.
The Midtown Area Plan recommends two (2) broad strategies to coordinate development.
To further implement the recommendations of the Midtown Area Plan, three (3) legislative changes are needed. All three changes are scheduled for consideration by the City Council during its second regular meeting on August 10, 2021. While they are separate statutory changes, each of the three is supported by, or dependent upon, the others. For example, approving only the creation of the Midtown zoning districts and the removal of standards for South College zoning districts (the first action described below) and not both of the other actions, will create regulatory chaos, as it would leave references to South College zoning districts on the City’s official zoning map, without providing standards for the same. In other words, all three legislative changes scheduled for consideration by the City Council during its second regular meeting on August 10, 2021, must ultimately be considered and adopted in their aggregate.
The first action, and the subject of this Council Action Form and attached draft ordinance, if approved, will,
The second action, referred to as rezoning request RZ21-01, and subject of a separate Council Action Form, if approved, will change the zoning classification on 210 parcels of land (approximately 74 acres) from a combination of various zoning districts to the newly established Midtown – High Density District (MT-HD),
The third action, referred to as rezoning request RZ21-02, and subject of yet another separate Council Action Form, if approved, will change the zoning classification on 625 parcels of land (approximately 342 acres) from a combination of various zoning districts to the newly established Midtown – Corridor District (MT-C).
Chapter 130, Zoning:
Chapter 62, Land and Site Development:
The proposed standards for the MT-HD District are intended to create opportunities for, and mandate large-scale redevelopment. Small scale development will be problematic and generally not supported.
The proposed standards for the MT-C District are intended to be clear and attainable development standards that prioritize high-quality walkable development. The proposed MT-C development standards differ from those previously adopted in that they provide the developer clear examples of acceptable building form and arrangement that will produce the results envisioned within the Midtown Area Plan.
· alley
· awning/canopy
· civic space
· square
· plaza
· playground
· colonnade or arcade
· common lot line
· floor area ratio (FAR)
· live/work unit
· setback range
· stoop
Chapter 98, Signage:
Chapter 38, Environment:
1. Remove reference to SC-R District and add reference to MT-C District in the abandoned and junked vehicles section.
Analysis and Recommendation:
An important feature of the consulting contract with Miller Boskus Lack (MBL) that was executed in September 2018 was, after completion of an area survey and public input process, the delivery of detailed recommendations regarding land use and development guidelines and standards for the Midtown area. The delivered format of this work was a draft version of proposed development code amendments. The required document was substantially complete and delivered late January 2020. The next step in the process was to parse the recommendations into a form that reflected the existing policies and values of the community. During the fall of 2019, prior to the final delivery by MBL of their completed work requirements, staff began assembling early versions of the various components into the basic framework of the ordinance amendments that are the subject of this Council Action Form.
During the process, and since the adoption of the Midtown Plan and Pattern Zoning in May and September 2020, respectively, elements of the proposal were presented and discussed five (5) times during public workshop meetings of the Planning and Zoning Commission. On December 3, 2020, during a Planning and Zoning Commission workshop meeting, the subject of North of Northgate and the potential proposal for changes to zoning and development standards were presented and discussed. The concept of mandating large-scale development was of primary interest and the Commission expressed support at that time. A complete draft of the proposed ordinances that create the MT-C and MT-HD zoning districts were provided to the Commission during their workshop meeting on January 7, 2021. The draft ordinance were made available on the project website for review and comment the following week.
The need for amendments to development regulations to help guide orderly conservation and redevelopment in the Midtown Area was first recognized in 2016 when the Planning and Zoning Commission subcommittee studied the effects of by-the-room-occupancy of single detached residences in established Bryan neighborhoods. After almost four years of studying land use and property development issues affecting the Midtown Area and receiving extensive public feedback, the Planning and Zoning Commission finds:
While much of the Midtown Area is adequately served by existing public infrastructure capacity, increased development pressure could require a coordinated public effort to enhance infrastructure in certain areas of Midtown.
On February 4, 2021, staff presented the proposed ordinance text amendments during a regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Following the presentation, the Commission held a public hearing during which 15 citizens offered the following comments:
After the conclusion of the public hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission discussed the following points:
Subsequent to their discussion, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted to postpone consideration of the Midtown-related text amendments until their regular meeting on March 4, 2021.
During a special Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on February 25, 2021, additional questions were brought forward to staff concerning several items, primarily if existing structures would be required to redevelop in a manner that meets all the new requirements. Given the activities surrounding the ongoing discussion and expressions of concern, staff requested removal of the Midtown Zoning items form the Commission's March 4, 2021, meeting agenda.
On April 15, 2021, P&Z Chairman Gonzalez announced the appointment of a three-member P&Z subcommittee (Gonzalez, Ewers, Boriskie) to review the Midtown Zoning proposal and report to the full P&Z at a later date. The subcommittee twice updated the P&Z on their progress. Items of concern discussed by the subcommittee included, but were not limited to:
The proposed boundaries of the new zoning districts were not a topic of discussion. The concept of phased implementation was briefly examined, but discarded as a practical measure.
The draft ordinance, as amended and attached to this Council Action Form, represents the recommendation of the P&Z subcommittee.
During its regular meeting on August 5, 2021, following a public hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approving the proposed amendments to Bryan Code of Ordinances Chapters 38, 62, 98, and 130, to eliminate the South College and establish the Midtown zoning districts. During the public hearing, eight (8) citizens came forward to speak. Comments ranged from questions for clarification, to overall support of the proposal, to concerns about impacts on streets, automotive-related businesses, lower property values, the proposed floor area ratio, and perceived parking issues.
In 2016, Bryan’s Planning and Zoning Commission appointed a subcommittee to study the effects of by-the-room-occupancy of single detached residences in established Bryan neighborhoods. The practice was then commonly known as “stealth dorms”. The study primarily focused on the area between the former Municipal Golf Course (now Midtown Park) at the intersection of W. Villa Maria Road and S. College Avenue and the southern edge of the city limits. The subcommittee found the practice of redeveloping portions of existing neighborhoods with new buildings that were nominally single detached residences, had land use characteristics similar to multifamily apartments or boarding houses. While the existing homes in the older neighborhoods were often in disrepair, the subcommittee found the resulting housing product that replaced them created negative impacts on the surrounding neighborhoods.
On February 13, 2018, the City Council approved new development regulations for this housing type, now referred to as detached shared housing, as a first step to address the issues created by this redevelopment trend. In September 2018, the City of Bryan hired consultant team Miller Boskus Lack of Fayetteville, Arkansas to prepare an area plan for Midtown, with the area being loosely bounded by W. Villa Maria Road, S. College Avenue, Wellborn Road, and the southern limits of the City of Bryan.The plan preparation included an 18-month long planning and public input process.
A 26-member advisory committee comprised of local citizens and stakeholders worked alongside City staff and the consultant team to brainstorm ideas and issues, provide input, and review draft recommendations. The plan preparation also included four (4) public workshops/open houses with over 300 attendees in total, 15 updates to elected and appointed officials during public meetings, three (3) online surveys, and a dynamic project website articulating proposed changes and updates throughout the process. This community-wide planning effort concluded on May 12, 2020, when, with a unanimous recommendation for approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission, the City Council adopted the Midtown Area Plan.
The Midtown Area Plan recommends two (2) broad strategies to coordinate development:
To further implement the recommendations of the Midtown Area Plan, three (3) legislative changes are needed. All three changes are scheduled for consideration by the City Council during its second regular meeting on August 10, 2021. While they are separate statutory changes, each of the three is supported by, or dependent upon, the others. For example, approving only the creation of the Midtown zoning districts and the removal of standards for South College zoning districts (the first action described below) and not both of the other actions, will create regulatory chaos, as it would leave references to South College zoning districts on the City’s official zoning map, without providing standards for the same. In other words, all three legislative changes scheduled for consideration by the City Council during its second regular meeting on August 10, 2021, and must ultimately be considered and adopted in their aggregate.
The first action, the subject of a separate Council Action Form, if approved, will:
The second action, referred to as rezoning request RZ21-01, and subject of this Council Action Form, if approved, will change the zoning classification on 210 parcels of land (approximately 74 acres) from a combination of various zoning districts to the newly established Midtown – High Density District (MT-HD).
The third action, referred to as rezoning request RZ21-02, and subject of a separate Council Action Form, if approved, will change the zoning classification on 625 parcels of land (approximately 342 acres) from a combination of various zoning districts to the newly established Midtown – Corridor District (MT-C).
The existing land uses within the area of the proposed MT-HD District are almost completely residential, with over 70% being detached residential and over 25% multi-family residential. Within the proposed MT-HD District, small-scale development will be problematic and generally not supported. Larger scale development will be sustained by the proposed regulations and allowed by right. The proposed regulations represent a major change to the status quo; over 70% of the existing land uses will become non-conforming. Their continued use will be protected (grandfathered) by the same rules that govern legally non-conforming uses in all of Bryan’s zoning districts. Zoning Ordinance Section 130-40 allows the continuation of nonconforming uses and structures until they are removed.
Analysis and Recommendation:
During their regular meeting on August 5, 2021, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of this rezoning request.
During the public hearing, one (1) citizen came forward to speak in opposition to the proposal.
In 2016, Bryan’s Planning and Zoning Commission appointed a subcommittee to study the effects of by-the-room-occupancy of single detached residences in established Bryan neighborhoods. The practice was then commonly known as “stealth dorms”. The study primarily focused on the area between the former Municipal Golf Course (now Midtown Park) at the intersection of W. Villa Maria Road and S. College Avenue and the southern edge of the city limits. The subcommittee found the practice of redeveloping portions of existing neighborhoods with new buildings that were nominally single detached residences, had land use characteristics similar to multifamily apartments or boarding houses. While the existing homes in the older neighborhoods were often in disrepair, the subcommittee found the resulting housing product that replaced them created negative impacts on the surrounding neighborhoods.
On February 13, 2018, the City Council approved new development regulations for this housing type, now referred to as detached shared housing, as a first step to address the issues created by this redevelopment trend. In September 2018, the City of Bryan hired consultant team Miller Boskus Lack of Fayetteville, Arkansas to prepare an area plan for Midtown, with the area being loosely bounded by W. Villa Maria Road, S. College Avenue, Wellborn Road, and the southern limits of the City of Bryan.The plan preparation included an 18-month long planning and public input process.
A 26-member advisory committee comprised of local citizens and stakeholders worked alongside City staff and the consultant team to brainstorm ideas and issues, provide input, and review draft recommendations. The plan preparation also included four (4) public workshops/open houses with over 300 attendees in total, 15 updates to elected and appointed officials during public meetings, three (3) online surveys, and a dynamic project website articulating proposed changes and updates throughout the process. This community-wide planning effort concluded on May 12, 2020 when with a unanimous recommendation for approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission, the City Council adopted the Midtown Area Plan.
The Midtown Area Plan recommends two (2) broad strategies to coordinate development:
To further implement the recommendations of the Midtown Area Plan, three (3) legislative changes are needed. All three changes are scheduled for consideration by the City Council during its second regular meeting on March 9, 2021. While they are separate statutory changes, each of the three is supported by, or dependent upon, the others. For example, approving only the creation of the Midtown zoning districts and the removal of standards for South College zoning districts (the first action described below) and not both of the other actions, will create regulatory chaos, as it would leave references to South College zoning districts on the City’s official zoning map, without providing standards for the same. In other words, all three legislative changes scheduled for consideration by the City Council during its second regular meeting on March 9, 2021, and must ultimately be considered and adopted in their aggregate.
The first action, the subject of a separate Council Action Form, if approved, will:
The second action, referred to as rezoning request RZ21-01, and subject of a separate Council Action Form, if approved, will change the zoning classification on 210 parcels of land (approximately 74 acres) from a combination of various zoning districts to the newly established Midtown – High Density District (MT-HD).
The third action, referred to as rezoning request RZ21-02, and subject of this Council Action Form, if approved, will change the zoning classification on 625 parcels of land (approximately 342 acres) from a combination of various zoning districts to the newly established Midtown – Corridor District (MT-C).
The Midtown – Corridor District (MT-C), is proposed to extend along the length of South College Avenue, fully replacing and expanding upon the existing South College – Business (SC-B) and South College – Residential (SC-R) Districts. Its regulations include the removal of the most restrictive regulations from the previous Districts, and brings in the inclusion of clear and attainable development standards that prioritize high-quality walkable development.
Analysis and Recommendation:
During their regular meeting on August 5, 2021, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of this rezoning request.
During the public hearing, no one came forward to speak regarding this item.
Summary: On July 8, 2021, one (1) sealed bid was received and opened for chlorine gas. The bid was submitted by Brenntag Southwest Inc. in an amount not to exceed $292,900. Brenntag is the current supplier of chlorine gas to Water Services and has served as the Department's chlorine gas supplier since September 2013.
Chlorine gas is used by both water production and wastewater treatment facilities for disinfection purposes. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) requires the use of chlorine in the treatment of water for potable use. TCEQ also requires treated effluent from a wastewater treatment plant to undergo disinfection from an approved method before being released into the waterways of Texas. The City currently uses chlorine gas to meet this permit requirement. This contract is for the annual estimated needs of both departments.
Chlorine supplies are running low due to an August 2020 fire at a chemical plant (in Louisiana) that was damaged by Hurricane Laura. Loss of the Louisiana plant caused significant disruption in the chlorine supply chain. Chlorine is required in manufacturing of PVC, plastics, paper, and inorganic/organic chemicals. Limited market availability and increased demand for chlorine has caused an unprecedented surge in chlorine pricing.
Water Services is on pace to purchase $152,000 in chlorine gas through completion of its current BPO, which expires on September 23, 2021. Water Services currently pays $690/ton and $142.25/150 lbs. for chlorine. The new rates for chlorine will be $1,160/ton and $290/150 lbs. Applying the new rates against the forecasted quantity of chlorine used in the current BPO, Water Services will experience a 69% increase in chlorine expense ($107,752 increase) with a resulting year-end contract cost of $263,030.
The City’s chlorine use is heavily influenced by weather. A dry summer increases customer use of potable water, resulting in the greater usage of chlorine to disinfect the water. Inversely, wet weather increases the volume of sewage treated by the treatment plants, which increases chlorine use to disinfect the treated water.
Historical purchases for chlorine gas purchases are as follows:
- Fiscal Year 2021: BPO #201215 as of July 9, 2021 [$102,744 at $690/ton and $142.25/150 lbs.]
- Fiscal Year 2020: BPO #191247 [$160,190 at $690/ton and $140/150 lbs. (approval of Change Order No.1 6/3/2020)]
- Fiscal Year 2019: BPO #181236 [$130,248 at $660/ton and $140/150 lbs.]
Water Services recommends City Council’s approval of the annual price agreement for purchase of chlorine gas with Brenntag Southwest Inc. in an amount not to exceed $292,900. The City shall have the option of extending this price agreement, subject to funding and review of the service provided by the vendor, for four (4) additional one (1) year terms. Market conditions may yield more favorable pricing with increased chlorine availability. Rebidding of this service will be considered before proceeding with any extension to this agreement.
Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Chlorine is a critical component in the disinfection of drinking water and wastewater treatment effluent. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) requires the use of chlorine in the treatment of water for potable use. TCEQ also requires treated effluent from a wastewater treatment plant to undergo disinfection from an approved method before being released into the waterways of Texas. The City currently uses chlorine gas to meet these permit requirements.
1. Approve the price agreement.
2. Do not approve the price agreement and provide alternative direction.
1. Bid Tab.
2. RFB 21-039.
The City Council approved the Travis Park Facility Management Agreement with Rally Cap Investments, LLC (RCI) on July 13, 2021. The fee changes in the proposed Parks and Recreation Fee Schedule, as presented with this Council Action Form and proposed Resolution, incorporate the fees recommended by RCI for use of the Travis Park Facility.
On June 25, 2021, the City Council approved the Management Agreement between the City and EPMC, L.L.C. for the operations of the Queen and Palace Theaters. EPMC is to establish fees for the Queen and Palace Theaters. The proposed Parks and Recreation Fee Schedule removes current references to the Palace Theater; the Queen Theater is not referenced in the current Fee Schedule.
Per Section 8.3 (Rates and Charges) of the RCI Management Agreement, "The Bryan City Council shall establish all rental rates and charges relating to use of the Facility (the “Fee Schedule”) by resolution.” In this same section, the Agreement states RCI will provide input into the City's establishment or adjustment of prices, rental fees, rates, and rate schedules for any licenses, rental agreements, and other commitments relating to the use of the facility.
Based on RCI's modeling, the proposed Fee Schedule includes revisions, especially as related to Travis Park Fields (a.k.a. Travis Baseball/Softball Complex), as tracked in the attached marked-up Resolution. The proposed Fee Schedule includes maximum prices (i.e., "shall not exceed" amounts), similar to the fee structure for the City Course. The "shall not exceed" amount language is a change from the current Fee Schedule; the current Fee Schedule includes some fee ranges (e.g., $10 to $30) mixed in with flat fees, and could be confusing. The revised language provides latitude for D-BAT (and Parks staff) to negotiate tournaments and other events. To note, other than removing references to the Palace Theater, minimal additional changes were made to the proposed Fee Schedule, but such changes are intended to impact Travis Park Fields; Parks and Recreation operations will remain the same.
As proposed, the revised fees for the Travis Fields include:
1. Field Usage Fee: $325 per field, per day (current fee: $250 - $300)
2. Light Usage Fee: $50 per hour (current fee: $20 - $24)
3. Per Team Gate Fee: $60 per day (new)
4. Vendor Fee: $75 per vendor (current fee: $50 - $60)
5. Deposit: $100 deposit per field (new fee)
6. Additional Charges: Additional maintenance charges at a rate of $55 per hour/per employee may be charged if the facility is left in substandard condition (new fee)
With the RCI recommendations, Resolution No. 9307 (Parks and Recreation Fee Schedule) requires amending to reflect the RCI pricing model, along with recognizing substantial improvements to Travis Park Fields. Per Section II.14 in the proposed Resolution, field rentals at the Travis Park Fields must follow all policies and protocols as provided in City-approved rental agreements (per Sections 6.11, 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4 of the RCI Management Agreement).
Staff Analysis and Recommendation:
To optimize revenue generated at Travis Park Complex and to recognize the significant improvements at Travis Park Fields, City staff recommends approval of the proposed Resolution to amend the Parks & Recreation Fee Schedule. Additionally, the proposed Fee Schedule removes references to the Palace Theater, as leaving such references in the Fee Schedule may contradict the fees established by EPMC, L.L.C.
If the Resolution is not approved, the RCI model likely will not be achieved and will negatively impact revenue generated by the facility. Rentals are anticipated to begin at the Travis Parks Complex as early as September; RCI cannot charge the proposed fees until the City Council approves the new Rate Schedule. RCI anticipates receiving approval at the August 10, 2021, City Council meeting or other direction will be necessary to provide to RCI. Similarly, EPMC needs references to the Palace Theater removed so operations can commence per the EPMC Management Contract.
The City of Bryan and Bryan Independent School District have adopted an Interlocal Agreement to outline police services provided to the School District by the Bryan Police Department School Resource Unit (SRU). The Interlocal Agreement outlines the terms, obligations, responsibilities, and cost sharing between the City of Bryan and Bryan Independent School District. Bryan Independent School District is responsible for reimbursing the City of Bryan for seventy percent (70%) of the annual salaries and benefits for the officers assigned to the SRU. The annual salaries and benefits for nine (9) officers and one (1) sergeant is $1,255,220.00. Bryan Independent School District agrees to pay seventy percent (70%) of this cost, which totals $862,839. The City of Bryan agrees to cover the remaining thirty percent (30%) of this cost, which totals $392,381. These percentages are approximates as other costs (e.g., vehicles) are included in the calculation, which impacts the exact percentages.
Prior to the expiration of term for the Interlocal Agreement, either Party can terminate the agreement without cause by giving the other party at least thirty (30) days advance written notice of its intent. The duration of the Interlocal Agreement is for one (1) year and shall be effective on August 1, 2021.
Staff Analysis and Recommendation:
Approving this Interlocal Agreement ensures the best interests of the City of Bryan and Bryan Independent School District faculty, students, and parents. This Interlocal Agreement supports the City Council's strategic initiatives of public safety, quality of life, and service.
Approve the Interlocal Agreement
Postpone Action
Do not approve the Interlocal Agreement and provide additional direction to staff
Proposed Resolution supporting the Agreement, which is Exhibit A of the Resolution
In September 1945, this sewer line easement was dedicated by separate instrument to the City of Bryan by B.H. Dewey for the purpose of a public sewer line across two lots in this Block in the Bryan Original Townsite. A previously used sewer line within this easement has since been abandoned. The applicant is requesting the release of this 920-square foot easement to allow more space for redevelopment opportunities. City staff do not foresee a need for retaining this easement at this time.
Only Bryan’s City Council can authorize the release of easements intended for public use that were dedicated by a legal instrument other than a subdivision plat. The Planning and Zoning Commission is asked to make a recommendation to the City Council regarding all easement release requests.
Analysis and Recommendation:
During a regular meeting on July 1, 2021, the Planning and Zoning Commission concurred with staff and unanimously recommended approval of the request.
Consideration for the City Council to authorize the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement between Brazos County, the City of College Station, and the City of Bryan for the purpose of applying for a joint formula grant through the U.S. Department of Justice under the 2021 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program in the amount of $46,019.00.
The grant funds will be disbursed between the participating entities in the following manner:
Approval of the Agreement also will provide authorization for the City staff to submit financial and/or status reports as necessary and other reporting documents to the Bureau of Justice Assistance, as required to comply with the grant terms.
Staff Analysis and Recommendation:
The Edward Byrne JAG program provides law enforcement agencies funding for technology enhancements and equipment purchases. City staff will be required to submit financial status reports and supporting documentation to the Bureau of Justice Assistance to comply with grant terms.
The Bryan Police Department recommends approving and executing the Interlocal Agreement between Brazos County, the City of College Station, and the City of Bryan for the 2021 Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant to support the purchase of law enforcement equipment and technology. The Edward Byrne JAG Program does not require matching funds.
As part of the Design/Build process of the Legends Event Center (LEC), the City of Bryan needs third party testing of materials and components used in the construction of the LEC. Typically, the owner of a facility contracts for testing outside of a design/build contract, so a conflict of interest between the design/build firm and the engineering testing firms does not exist. The scope of testing required for the project is based on 65% drawings and specifications. Typical owner testing for a construction project of this magnitude is budgeted at 0.5% of the project cost. Specific testing includes:
The City’s Engineering Department retains annual contracts with multiple firms to provide geotechnical engineering, materials testing, and construction inspection services to ensure proper construction of the City’s infrastructure projects. The 2019 Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for this service received Statement of Qualification’s (SOQ) responses from three (3) interested firms, from which two (2) local firms were selected. These contracts have an extension clause to extend the contracts for four (4) one (1) year terms. Having multiple testing labs enables the City to get the best service by splitting the work load amongst the firms. Gessner Engineering has expanded their firm’s abilities in recent years and appears capable to handle a larger workload from the City of Bryan.
Gessner Engineering’s Blanket Purchase Order (BPO) #210773 for $75,000 has not been utilized for Fiscal Year 2021. Staff is requesting to increase the blanket purchase order (BPO) to $260,000 to include testing for the LEC, which is projected to be $185,000. All testing from Gessner will be per the 2019 Professional Services Rate Schedule for the City of Bryan.
Staff Analysis and Recommendation:
Staff recommends modifying the contract (BPO # 210773) with Gessner Engineering, Inc. for Geotechnical Engineering, Materials Testing, and Construction Inspection Services for the amount not to exceed $260,000 (up from the current $75,000 not to exceed amount). The services provided are necessary for insuring quality construction of the City’s Legends Event Center and future engineering projects.
To meet the natural gas requirements of Travis Bryan Midtown Park, a 4,500 feet main gas line extension is required that will originate at the Union Pacific Railroad tracks at the end of Orman Street and proceed to and across West Carson, up Bomber Drive past Travis Fields, through the round-a-bout, and up Midtown Park Boulevard to the existing round-a-bout. The gas line extension is required because the existing Atmos Energy gas lines along Williamson Drive and Villa Maria Road (State Highway 1179) do not have the gas flow capability to meet the needs of the Travis Bryan Midtown Park. This extension will serve the Legends Event Center, BigShots Aggieland, and future development in the Park or surrounding area.
The Gas Main Extension Contract term will commence following the completion of the project and will continue for a 3-year period from the date that the installation is in service. This contract contains a provision where the City will be reimbursed $3.00 per Mcf of gas consumed at the commercial rate by all separate and distinct commercial customers directly connected to this gas main extension in an amount not to exceed $396,000. This provision will be in effect for a period of three (3) years from the date the installation is in service and reimbursed each 12-month period occurring during the contract term.
Within the Work Assignment Supplement, there is a “Form of Bill of Sale and Assignment” to be executed by the Mayor to convey the work to Atmos Energy, inclusive of the hardware installed under this contract for the Atmos gas line extension. Atmos will be responsible for all future maintenance. In the supplement, a “Form of Easement” also is included for execution by the Mayor for a 10-foot-wide easement along the south side of Carson Street for the gas line extension.
Staff Analysis and Recommendation:
Staff recommends authorizing the Mayor to execute the Gas Main Extension Contract and Work Assignment Supplement with CCB Construction Associates (Atmos Energy's approved contractor) and Atmos Energy Corporation that includes the “Bill of Sale and Assignment” and “Form of Easement” for natural gas supply to the Travis Bryan Midtown Park.
The extension of the gas line is critical for projects to remain on schedule. A delay in approving this contract may result in delays to Midtown Park projects, including BigShots Aggieland and Legends Event Center.
Since 2002, the City has outsourced landscape management and mowing services as the cost to provide the service in-house is determined to be greater than obtaining the same services from an outside contractor. The intent of these contracts is to cost-effectively maintain and operate the parks and open space network in a manner that provides a safe, clean, attractive, and orderly parks and facilities, and promotes optimum utilization of the park system by the citizens and visitors of Bryan.
The contract for landscape services is a comprehensive service contract. The contractor must perform all work necessary utilizing acceptable horticulture practices for the exterior landscape maintenance of the properties.
A Request for Bids (RFB) was released on July 17, 2020. Sealed/electronic bids were due to the City by August 10, 2020. Five (5) bid responses were received from the following: Green Teams, Grassmasters, Roots Landscaping, Rios Tree Service, Inc., and Yellowstone Landscape Central, Inc.
The scope of work was divided into four (4) groups. Bidders could bid on one, multiple, or all groups. Landscaping sites were divided into groups as follows:
Group One (1) Sites: Athletic Areas
Group Two (2) Sites: Weekly Mow Park Sites
Group Three (3) Sites: Weekly Mow Non-Park Sites
Group Four (4) Sites: Bi-Weekly Park and Non-Park Sites
Services include, but are not limited to: 1) mowing, edging, trimming, and blowing of turf areas; 2) litter collection/disposal; 3) fertilizer/herbicide application; 4) planting and maintenance of plant and color beds; 5) tree pruning, trimming and shaping; and, 6) irrigation inspection and repairs, etc.
The contract(s) extensions become effective from date of acceptance and approval by the City of Bryan. The contract remains in full force and effect with firm fixed bid prices for a period of twelve (12) months. The City has the option of extending the contract after the initial first extension, subject to approval and funding and review of the service provided by the Contractor, for three (3) additional one (1) year terms to be extended one (1) year at a time - for a possible total of five (5) years. Contract extensions cannot include any increase in unit bid prices.
Staff Analysis and Recommendation:
Staffing mowing crews for this type of work requires creating new positions and purchasing new mowing equipment. Equipment must be maintained and replaced to continue to operate in an effective and efficient manner. Based on previous analysis demonstrating costs savings from mowing contracts, City staff recommends awarding a one-year extension for the Parks Landscape Services contract to Green Teams, Inc., for Groups One (1) and Two (2) for an amount not to exceed $617,663.00; to Grassmasters for Groups Three (3) and Four (4) for an amount not to exceed $209,800.00.
1.) Approve a 1-year extension awarding the Parks Landscape Services contract (No. 20-028) to Green Teams, Inc. for Groups One (1) and Two (2) in an amount not to exceed $617,663.00: and to Grassmasters for Groups Three (3) and Four (4) in amount not to exceed $209,800.
2.) Do not approve the 1-year extension for the Parks Landscape Service contract (No. 20-028) to Green Teams, Inc and Grassmasters and rebid the contract.
3.) Provide Staff with alternate directive.
1. Original bid tab (8/10/2020)
2. Original Green Teams contract (10/18/2020)
3. Original Grassmasters contract (10/18/2020)
4. Letter of Extension (Green Teams)
5. Letter of Extension (Grassmasters)
The 2021 Street Maintenance Asphalt contract includes street maintenance repairs such as asphalt overlays, milling or planing, and street markings; along with the installation of traffic calming devices (i.e. speed humps) and widening a section of Leonard Rd to install a turn lane at Crossing Dr. This contract consisted of four (4) bid items: one (1) base bid and three (3) alternate bids.
The Base Bid consists of thirty-one (31) streets (approximately 19 lane miles) receiving substantial pavement repairs followed by an overlay of asphalt, while two (2) streets will be totally reconstructed. Alternate Bid #1 includes the construction of traffic calming devices for five (5) streets, which qualified within the Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) program. Alternate Bid #2 provides unit pricing to replace targeted pavement/street markings along roads and right-of-ways. Alternate Bid #3 includes the construction of a turn lane and widening of the roadway along the intersection of Leonard Rd. and Crossing Dr. (Please see attachments for a list of street segments, location maps, and pavement marking details.)
As mentioned above, in addition to the street maintenance repairs and pavement markings, this contract includes alternate bid items for the LATM plan. In January 2017, staff presented to Council information regarding the LATM plan including the street qualification process. The objective of the LATM includes improving safety and quality of life for residents along local neighborhoods and residential collector streets. In addition, this may also help create a safer and more comfortable environment for pedestrians and bicyclists. This program addresses speeding and cut-through traffic. Streets included within this contract and meeting qualifications for the LATM program are Bittle Ln., Delma Dr., Mary Lake Dr., Inwood Dr., and East Brookside Dr.
Four (4) competitive bids were received for this contract. Brazos Paving Inc. (BPI) submitted the low bid at $2,278,673.10, representing the best value to the City. BPI’s total bid of $2,278,673.10 included the four bid items with the following costs: $2,029,699 (Base Bid), $20,480.00 (Alternate Bid #1), $31,914.50 (Alternate Bid #2), and $196,579.60 (Alternate Bid #3). The three other bids received were from Larry Young Paving ($2,287,219.00), Knife River Corp-South ($2,299,419.90) and TEXCON ($2,376,012.50). This contract is funded through the Transportation Fund and will use the combined budgets allocated for FY21 and FY22 “Street Maintenance” projects.
Staff Analysis and Recommendation:
Staff respectfully requests the City Council award this construction contract for the 2021 Street Maintenance Repairs – Asphalt to Brazos Paving Inc. for the not to exceed amount of $2,278,673.10. The Public Works Department has collaborated on the selection of street segments based on the age/condition of the streets, work orders submitted by residents, and the condition of subsurface utilities to use Transportation Fee funds in the most efficient manner.
1. Approve the contract.
2. Do not approve the contract, reject all bidders and repost for new bids.
1. Contract Including:
2. Street Maintenance Roads List
3. Bid Tab
The scope of the reconstruction of Old Hearne Road Phase I includes boring a 12-inch encased water line crossing across the Union Pacific railroad tracks at Sims Avenue and abandoning the existing 6-inch line that crosses the tracks. As part of this Council Action Form, Attachment 2 is the new Pipeline Crossing Agreement and Attachment 3 is the old Agreement covering the old 6-inch line to be abandoned.
This proposed Resolution allows the City Manager to execute a Pipeline Crossing Agreement between the City and Union Pacific, which allows the City to cross Union Pacific’s tracks with the proposed 12-inch water line.
This project will widen approximately 4,750 linear feet of Old Hearne Road, include the construction of sidewalks, street lighting, and an underground storm sewer system. This project also includes replacement of approximately 4,300 linear feet of sanitary sewer line and 5,500 linear feet of water line, including looping and increase sizing to improve fire flows. Finally, there will be a new traffic signal system installed at the intersection of Texas Avenue and Old Hearne Road, with ADA facilities and enhanced pedestrian features and crosswalk striping to improve vehicular and pedestrian safety. The current engineer’s estimate for the entire scope of work is $7.2 million.
Staff Analysis and Recommendation:
City staff recommends approving the proposed Resolution to authorize the City Manager to execute a Pipeline Crossing Agreement covering the City’s use of the Railroad Company’s right-or-way for transporting and conveying water as a part of the Old Hearne Road Reconstruction Phase I Project (City Project Number 332-411-425-611-DE-1506).
The City, along with 171 other Mid-Texas cities served by Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid-Tex Division (“Atmos Mid-Tex” or “Company”), is a member of the Atmos Cities Steering Committee (“ACSC”). In 2007, ACSC and Atmos Mid-Tex settled a rate application filed by the Company pursuant to Section 104.301 of the Texas Utilities Code for an interim rate adjustment commonly referred to as a GRIP filing (arising out of the Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program legislation). That settlement created a substitute rate review process, referred to as Rate Review Mechanism (“RRM”), as a substitute for future filings under the GRIP statute. Attached to this Council Action Form is a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document as prepared by ACSC consultants.
Since 2007, there have been several modifications to the original RRM Tariff. The most recent iteration of an RRM Tariff was reflected in an ordinance adopted by ACSC members in 2018; for the City of Bryan, Ordinance No. 2274 was adopted by the City Council on May 15, 2018. On or about April 1, 2021, the Company filed a rate request pursuant to the RRM Tariff adopted by ACSC members. The Company claimed that its cost-of-service in a test year ending December 31, 2020, entitled it to additional system-wide revenues of $43.4 million.
Application of the standards set forth in ACSC’s RRM Tariff reduces the Company’s request to $40.5 million, $29.3 million of which would be applicable to ACSC members. ACSC’s consultants concluded that the system-wide deficiency under the RRM regime should be $22.34 million instead of the claimed $40.5 million. The amount of the $22.34 million deficiency applicable to ACSC members would be $16.8 million.
After the Company reviewed ACSC’s consultants’ report, ACSC’s Executive Committee and the Company negotiated a settlement whereby the Company would receive an increase of $22.78 million from ACSC Cities, but with a two-month delay in the Effective Date until December 1, 2021. This should save ACSC cities approximately $3.8 million.
Based on the review by the ACSC’s consultants, the ACSC Executive Committee recommends a settlement of $22.78 million. The Effective Date for new rates is December 1, 2021. ACSC members should take action approving the Resolution before October 1, 2021.
Staff Analysis and Recommendation:
The ACSC's consultants found that Atmos generated proof the rate tariffs attached to the Resolution will generate $22.78 million in additional revenues from ACSC Cities. That proof is attached as Attachment 1 to this Council Action Form. ACSC consultants have agreed that Atmos’ Proof of Revenues is accurate.
The impact of the settlement on average residential rates is an increase of $1.28 on a monthly basis, or 2.2 percent. The increase for average commercial usage will be $4.03 or 1.61 percent. A bill impact comparison is attached as Attachment 2 and shown below:
2021 RRM Settlement Agreement Monthly Rate Impact | ||||
Customer Class | Current | Proposed | $ Change | % Change |
Residential | $ 58.30 | $ 59.58 | $ 1.28 | 2.20% |
Commercial | $ 250.10 | $ 254.13 | $ 4.03 | 1.61% |
Industrial | $ 11,737.14 | $ 11,842.81 | $ 105.67 | 0.90% |
Transportation | $ 4,931.09 | $ 5,036.76 | $ 105.67 | 2.14% |
The Legislature’s GRIP process allowed gas utilities to receive annual rate increases associated with capital investments. The RRM process has proven to result in a more efficient and less costly (both from a consumer rate impact perspective and from a ratemaking perspective) than the GRIP process. Given Atmos Mid-Tex’s claim that its historic cost of service should entitle it to recover $43.4 million in additional system-wide revenues, the RRM settlement at $22.78 million for ACSC Cities reflects substantial savings to ACSC Cities. Settlement at $22.78 million (plus $3.8 of additional savings due to the two-month delay) is fair and reasonable. The ACSC Executive Committee consisting of city employees of 18 ACSC members urges all ACSC members to pass the Resolution before October 1, 2021; City of Bryan staff concurs with this recommendation. New rates become effective December 1, 2021.
1. Approve the proposed Resolution
2. Amend and then approve the proposed Resolution (note: this action may require additional negotiations, the City being responsible for legal and other fees, and/or consideration at a future City Council meeting, among other possible unintended consequences)
3. Take no action and have Atmos' proposed rates effective on December 1, 2021, be higher in Bryan than many other cities in the state as Atmos' initially proposed rates will become effective (i.e., rates introduced by Atmos with the RRM filing will become effecitve, instead of the rates that were negotiated down through the RRM process)
4. Take other action and/or provide direction to staff (note: this option may require additional negotiations, the City being responsible for legal and other fees, and/or consideration at a future City Council meeting, among other possible unintended consequences)
Note: Atmos rates as proposed in the 2021 RRM filing take effect on December 1, 2021, if the City Council does not take action prior to this date.
1. Proposed Resolution with Exhibits A, B, and C
2. Council Action Form Attachments 1, 2, and 3 (i.e., supplemental information) as prepared by the ACSC's consultants
3. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document as prepared by ACSC consultants
In 2008, the City of Bryan began developing a sustainable Capital Improvement Plan/Program (CIP) process for the City. The process includes maintaining a project database, evaluating and ranking projects based on uniform criteria, fitting those projects into limited fiscal funds, and self-evaluation of the process. The first 5-year CIP program to use this process was adopted by the Bryan City Council on June 28, 2008. Since that time, seven additional 5-year CIP programs have been adopted on May 6, 2009, July 27, 2010, August 23, 2011, September 10, 2013, September 22, 2015, September 19, 2017, and September 24, 2019. In 2011, the City Council approved the currently followed biennial CIP process whereby updates occur to the database of projects in the even fiscal years and a new CIP is proposed and adopted in odd fiscal years.
This year, the proposed CIP program for FY2022 through FY2026 has been discussed at workshop sessions on May 11, 2021, and July 13, 2021. Also minor modifications to FY2020 and FY2021 previously adopted years were discussed and is presented in this resolution. Attached is a copy of the May 11, 2021, City Council workshop presentation.
The FY2022 through FY2026 CIP program forecasts a total of $159,159,000 of Capital Improvements. The next bond issuance in the amount of $17,594,000 is scheduled for FY2022.
Attached is a summary table of projects by Fiscal Year in similar formats to previous 5-year CIP programs approved by City Council. The first table reflects the results of changes to the FY2020/FY2021 projects and the second table reflects the proposed slate of projects for FY2022-FY2026. Continuing this CIP process gives staff consistent direction on projects on which to focus and keeps the City planning ahead for upcoming projects.
Staff believes the attached CIP program for FY2022-FY2026 follows through on commitments made previously in prior CIP plans, such as the continued reconstruction of Palasota Drive, Woodville Road, and South College Avenue to name a few. The plan also includes many other highly ranked projects targeted at improving drainage, vehicular and bicycle/pedestrian safety and mobility, the downtown quiet zone, and park system reinvestment, inclusive of Midtown Park. Staff recommends approval of the proposed 5-year CIP for FY2022-FY2026.
Staff Analysis and Recommendation:
The proposed CIP Program for FY2022-FY2026 continues the City’s efforts to make progress on the long list of Capital Improvement Projects while issuing a manageable amount of new bond debt. Staff recommends approval of the resolution of the City Council of the City of Bryan, Texas, approving a modified Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2020 & 2021 and approving the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2022 through 2026 as presented in the attached listing of projects.
This agenda consists of items previously approved by Council action such as adoption of items that are part of an approved budget or capital improvement projects, first and only readings of ordinances, interlocal agreements, or action that is required by law or delegated to the City Manager. Items may be removed from the statutory agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
The property tax rate proposal of $0.62900 per $100 valuation is to maintain the current property tax rate. The State of Texas Property Tax Code requires taxing units to comply with truth-in-taxation laws in adopting property tax rates. In accordance with truth-in-taxation laws, if a proposed tax rate exceeds the lower of the voter-approval rate or the no-new-tax rate, the taxing unit’s governing body must vote to place a proposal to adopt the rate on the agenda of a future meeting as an action item. This vote must be recorded. The proposal must specify the desired rate. A taxing unit cannot vote to adopt a proposal to increase taxes by an unspecified amount. If the motion passes, the governing body must schedule the public hearing on the proposal.
Staff Analysis and Recommendation:
The consideration is required by State of Texas Property Tax Code. Staff recommends voting to place a proposed tax rate on future agendas and scheduling the public hearing.
Do not vote on the proposal and redirect staff.
The applicant, Terrence Murphy, on behalf of the property owners, Midtown BCS Properties LLC, desires to develop these 0.49 acres of land with five (5) townhomes. The subject property adjoins the northwest side of the 200 block of Lynn Drive between Mobiletown and Alani Drive. All surrounding properties are zoned similarly, and property opposite Lynn Drive is the location of another townhome development by the same developer, which was previously approved by the City Council on appeal on January 12, 2021 (case no. CU20-06). The design and layout of the townhome development proposed with the current case (CU21-02) is substantially similar to and located across Lynn Drive from that previously-approved Conditional Use Permit case (CU20-06). The site plan included with this Council Action Form shows the proposed arrangement of lots, off-street parking, and landscaping.
On June 28, 2021, Mr. Casey Alani, an owner of property located within 200 feet of this request, submitted a letter to the City Secretary’s office stating that he received the public hearing notification for the July 1, 2021, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on June 25, 2021, alleging that this violated requirements of Texas Local Government Code §212.015, which prescribes replats requiring a variance or exception require 15 days’ notice to owners of property located within 200 feet of the proposed replat area.
Staff contends that the public hearing notice was not for a replat, but for a Conditional Use Permit application that was scheduled for consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Therefore, notification requirements of Texas Local Government Code §212.015 were not applicable in this case. Instead, public notification requirements stipulated in Bryan Code of Ordinances Section 130-33(b) apply. That ordinance requires “notice to landowners within 200 feet of the subject property ten (10) days before the date of the public hearing”.
City records show that the required notices for case no. CU21-02 were mailed on June 17, 2021, fourteen (14) days prior to the July 1, 2021 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Mr. Alani’s concerns expressed in his June 28, 2021, letter were shared with the Planning and Zoning Commissioners prior to their regular meeting on July 1. Following a public hearing for this case on that day, the Commission unanimously voted to approve the Conditional Use Permit request, subject to certain conditions.
On July 8, 2021, City staff received written notice from Mr. Alani stating that he wishes to appeal the Commission’s approval of the request to the City Council. The appeal was received within ten (10) days of the Commission’s decision, within the provided deadline for Conditional Use Permit appeals, as provided by Zoning Ordinance Section 130-33(f). In his July 8, 2021 letter, Mr. Alani again claims that the City of Bryan violated Texas Local Government Code notification requirements for replats.
On July 16, 2021, City staff received additional correspondence from Mr. Alani stating he expects the City to comply with State statutes governing replatting for the subject property of Conditional Use Permit case no. CU21-02, and for the property across the street for which Conditional Use Permit case no. CU20-06 was approved on January 12, 2021. In his letter, Mr. Alani also claims the City has failed to adhere to notification requirements of Zoning Ordinance Section 130-33(b), because he did not receive the notification at least 10 days prior to the hearing.
As stated previously, City staff contends that required public notice was timely mailed in this particular case. City staff also has every intention to comply with all applicable State statutes concerning replats, including replats on the subject properties for these two Conditional Use Permits. In 2019, the Texas State Legislature approved HB3314 that amended the notification requirements for replats when no variances or waivers are requested. Instead of a 15-day prior written notice and newspaper publication, HB3314 now gives cities the option to mail notices to property owners within 200 feet after a Planning and Zoning Commission decision in these replat cases. On February 11, 2020, the Bryan City Council updated notification and public hearing requirements in the City’s Subdivision Ordinance requiring only a post meeting notice for replats when no variances are requested, within fifteen (15) days of a Planning and Zoning Commission decision.
The replat related to the previously-approved Conditional Use Permit (CU20-06) was assigned case no. RP20-40. City records show post meeting notices for that replat case were mailed to surrounding property owners, including Mr. Alani, on December 7, 2020, four (4) days after the replat was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on December 3, 2020.
Analysis and Recommendation:
During its regular meeting on July 1, 2021, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously voted to approve this Conditional Use Permit request, to allow construction of five townhomes on the subject property, subject to certain conditions, and adopted staff’s written report and analysis for this case as the report, findings, and evaluation of the Commission.
In this case, the Planning and Zoning Commission finds:
The Commission’s approval of this request was made subject to the following conditions: