1. Convene Meeting
A. Council Hear Citizens Regarding City-Related Topics (Except for Public Hearings on This Agenda)
A. Invocation (Pastor John Hubbard, Mount Olive Baptist Church) and Pledges of Allegiance to U.S. and Texas Flags (George Nelson, Sons of the American Revolution)
B. Proclamations and Presentations - Presentation of the Trophy for the Salvation Army Mayors' Bell Ringing Competition
C. Presentation by George Nelson - Veteran Appreciation
D. Recognition of City Secretary's Office for Winning Exemplary Five Star Award from the Texas Department of State Health Services
C. Consider the first and only reading of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of City of Bryan, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation; providing for the award of the sale thereof in accordance with specified parameters; providing for the payment of said certificates by the levy of an ad valorem tax upon all taxable property within the City and a limited pledge of the surplus revenues from the operation of the City’s waterworks and sewer system; approving the preparation of an official statement; and enacting other provisions related thereto.
A. Rezoning Request Case No. RZ19-32 - Public hearing, presentation, and consideration of the first and only reading of an ordinance of the City of Bryan, Texas, amending Chapter 130, Zoning, of the City of Bryan Code of Ordinances, by changing the zoning classification from Agricultural – Open District (A-O) to Residential District – 5000 (RD-5), on 6.16 acres of land adjoining the west side of Nuches Lane between Autry Lane and Colson Road in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas.
B. Public hearing, presentation, and consideration of the first and only reading of an ordinance to amend the text of the Bryan Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2, Administration, specifically Section 2-371(13), by removing the function of the Planning and Zoning Commission to hold public hearings and review, approve, or deny requested variances for Wireless Telecommunication Facilities in Chapter 62, and to amend the text of the Bryan Code of Ordinances Chapter 62, Land and Site Development, specifically by adding criteria for variance requests to Article IX, Wireless Telecommunication Facilities (not in the public rights-of-way).
5. Consent (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of ministerial or “housekeeping” items required by law such as routine bids, contracts, purchases, and resolutions. Items may be removed from the consent agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
6. Statutory (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of items previously approved by Council action such as adoption of items that are part of an approved budget or capital improvement projects, first and only readings of ordinances, interlocal agreements, or action that is required by law or delegated to the City Manager. Items may be removed from the statutory agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
K. Approve Amendment No. 4 to the Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) of the Texas Municipal Power Agency (TMPA) by, between, and among Texas Municipal Power Agency (the “Agency”) and the cities of Bryan, Denton, Garland, and Greenville, and the Related Decommissioning Escrow and Indemnity Escrow Agreements
M. Adoption of a resolution of the City Council of the City of Bryan, Texas, approving budgets for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2019, and ending September 30, 2020, inclusive, for the Downtown Bryan Association (DBA) with expenditures in the combined total amount of $1,153,826 and revenues in the combined total amount of $1,163,901; and approving and authorizing the Mayor to sign a funding agreement with DBA in the amount of $490,001 for expenses related to the ongoing operation of DBA and the 2020 Texas Reds Steak and Grape Festival
A. Consider appointment of a hotel representative to the Experience Bryan-College Station (EBCS) Board of Directors
B. Consider casting ballot for one nominee to the Brazos County Emergency Communications District (9-1-1) Board of Managers
Items 8 & 9