Items 1 & 2
5. Consent (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of ministerial or “housekeeping” items required by law such as routine bids, contracts, purchases, and resolutions. Items may be removed from the consent agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
6. Statutory (Automatic Approval) Agenda - This agenda consists of items previously approved by Council action such as adoption of items that are part of an approved budget or capital improvement projects, first and only readings of ordinances, interlocal agreements, or action that is required by law or delegated to the City Manager. Items may be removed from the statutory agenda for separate consideration at the request of two Councilmembers.
H. Award of the construction services contract for the Edgewater Park Development Project, City Job Number 572-D5-1615, to JaCody Construction, L.P., in an amount not to exceed $1,195,502.37
Q. ANNEX 19-07 (owner-requested) - First and only reading of an ordinance of the City of Bryan, Texas, annexing territory generally described as being approximately 87.115 acres of vacant land out of the Zeno Phillips Survey, Abstract No. 45, and the T.J. Wooten League, Abstract 59, adjoining the north side of the 4600 block of Leonard Road (FM 1688) approximately 275 feet to 900 feet west from its intersection with Chick Lane, as well as 1.16 acres of adjoining right-of-way for Leonard Road, for a total area of 88.275 acres of land in Bryan’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) in Brazos County, Texas, lying adjacent and contiguous to the present corporate limits of the City of Bryan; finding that all necessary and required legal conditions have been satisfied; describing the territory annexed and providing a service plan therefore; obligating the property situated therein to bear its pro rata part of taxes levied; providing rights and privileges as well as duties and responsibilities of inhabitants and owners of said territory
Items 7B & 8