Reports will be given by Councilmembers regarding the meetings of some or all of Council boards and committees or boards/committees with Councilmember representation that have met since the last Council meeting:
Brazos County Public Health Board, Bryan-College Station Convention and Visitors Bureau Board, Brazos Valley Council of Governments Board, Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency Board, Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial Board, Brazos Valley Wide Area Communications System Board, Bryan Business Council, Bryan City Council/Texas A&M University Student Senate Liaison, Bryan-College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board, Bryan Texas Utilities Board, Audit Committee, Bryan-Brazos County Economic Development Foundation Board, City of Bryan/Bryan ISD Committee, Community Emergency Operations Center Policy Board, Easterwood Airport Advisory Board, Intergovernmental Committee, Sister Cities Board, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) #10 Board, TIRZ #19 Board, TIRZ #21 Board, TIRZ #22 Board, Research Valley Partnership Board, Texas Workforce Commission Special Task Force, Quiet Zone Advisory Committee, Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District Board and Bryan Animal Center Advisory Committee.